Preceptorship Development Program for Nurses in UAE

College of Nursing, Gulf Medical University in Collaboration with Training & Development Centre & Nursing Department, Emirate Health Services, UAE

College of Nursing, GMU hosted & conducted a Preceptorship Development Program for 203 nurses (169 EHS & 34 GMU/TUH) in UAE over a period of 8 weeks in 8 cohorts from 16th September 2022 to 12th November 2022. The sessions were conducted at LH 18, GMU, E-Learning Centre. This program was conducted by CoN, GMU in collaboration with the Training & Development Centre & Nursing Department, EHS and the support of the Administration from GMU.  The Resource persons for the Training were faculty representing from every College in GMU, who are experts in Health Professions Education forming an Interprofessional Team venture.


The Chancellor met the participants during the first Cohort session. The sessions were taken by faculty of CoN, CoP, CoM and CNO, TUH. The program consisted of presentations, discussions, sharing of experiences, videos, exercises & reflections. The exercises were in the form of case scenarios, reflections, games, quizzes and brain storming activity which enhanced interactions & sharing experiences among participants. There was good interaction & participation from the group. All sessions were appreciated in the feedback taken.


A valedictory session was organized on 11th November, Ms. Geetha Joseph Training and Development Specialist, TDC, EHS, & Ms. Ikram Amar Artell, Coordinator, Continuing Education & Program Development, Nursing Department, from EHS, representing Dr. Sumaya Albooshi, met the Faculty of GMU and extended their gratitude for the successful completion of the program. Faculty were presented with certificates. The CoN GMU was appreciated with a memento for the contribution rendered in training such a large number of staff. The CoN appreciated the efforts of all the faculty of GMU who participated in the training. It is indeed a matter of pride for CoN to be available and socially accountable based on the needs of society.
