The Dual PhD in HPE program has been designed and planned by the Dept. of HPE at the College of Medicine, Gulf Medical University (GMU) in partnership with the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) in the Netherlands. It comprises a balance of synchronous and asynchronous online activities, interspersed with face-to-face periods (bootcamps) at Gulf Medical University (GMU) in Ajman UAE, where students and faculty can meet and interact with the wider health professions education community.
Gulf Medical University has a well-developed and vibrant community of health professionals educators and the university acts as a regional networking center of AMEE (Association for Medical Educators in Europe). This program aims to graduate scholars and leaders who can transform health professions education (HPE) at institutional, national and regional levels. The program offers ease of study with a flexible learning schedule that best suits working professionals.
Students are expected to successfully pass a series of advanced courses in HPE along with the publication of four studies in peer-reviewed journals. A dedicated Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is central to the experience through which students can access digital content, virtual classrooms, videos, discussions and much more to support all aspects of learning. Also, the progress of PhD students will be monitored via Hora Finita, the PhD track and defense procedure of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Netherlands. The best thing about the Dual PhD program is the wide range of experiences, backgrounds and cultures, offered to our students. Upon the completion of the program, graduates will be awarded a dual doctoral degree (2 PhD certificates) from GMU and EUR.