Dual PhD Program in Health Professions Education (PhD-HPE)

The Dual PhD in HPE program has been designed and planned by the Dept. of HPE at the College of Medicine, Gulf Medical University (GMU) in partnership with the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) in the Netherlands. It comprises a balance of synchronous and asynchronous online activities, interspersed with face-to-face periods (bootcamps) at Gulf Medical University (GMU) in Ajman UAE, where students and faculty can meet and interact with the wider health professions education community.

Gulf Medical University has a well-developed and vibrant community of health professionals educators and the university acts as a regional networking center of AMEE (Association for Medical Educators in Europe). This program aims to graduate scholars and leaders who can transform health professions education (HPE) at institutional, national and regional levels. The program offers ease of study with a flexible learning schedule that best suits working professionals.

Students are expected to successfully pass a series of advanced courses in HPE along with the publication of four studies in peer-reviewed journals. A dedicated Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is central to the experience through which students can access digital content, virtual classrooms, videos, discussions and much more to support all aspects of learning. Also, the progress of PhD students will be monitored via Hora Finita, the PhD track and defense procedure of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Netherlands. The best thing about the Dual PhD program is the wide range of experiences, backgrounds and cultures, offered to our students. Upon the completion of the program, graduates will be awarded a dual doctoral degree (2 PhD certificates) from GMU and EUR.

The program runs over four academic years.  It is a blended learning intensive delivery mode program that is delivered in blocks of face-to-face sessions (bootcamps) along with LIVE synchronous sessions and asynchronous activities. As per the study plan, the first three semesters are dedicated to advanced courses in various domains in HPE and scholarships with a total of 25 CH. Then all students must pass a comprehensive exam before moving to the Thesis with 30 CH and start data collection, analysis and implementation of four studies in a specific domain in HPE under supervision throughout the remaining period of the program.

Upon completion of the Dual Program in HPE, students will be able to:

  1. Exhibit a deep understanding of the theories, philosophies, and methodology of educational research in HPE.
  2. Develop the entire search, inquiry, and review process to filter relevant evidence from the literature.
  3. Apply research designs and methodologies to advance the field of HPE and practice.
  4. Design curricula and evaluate the effectiveness of HPE programs.
  5. Critically evaluates the effectiveness of new instructional methods, assessment, clinical reasoning, and professionalism.
  6. Participate in peer-reviewed scholarship in a specific domain in HPE.
  7. Demonstrate leadership skills as a member of interprofessional teams to improve health outcomes.
  8. Lead change and research-based innovation and institutional projects in HPE.
Year Semester Course Code Course Name CH/Course Mode of Delivery Prerequisite Courses
Y1 S1 ED 1001 Preparation for the Doctoral Work 3 F2F (1st Bootcamp) & SDL None
ED 1002 The Scientific Method & Philosophy of Science in Education 3 Weekly LIVE Webinars & SDL None
ED 1003 Advanced Quantitative Research Methodologies in HPE 4 F2F (2nd Bootcamp) & SDL ED 1001

ED 1002

S2 ED 1004 Advanced Qualitative Inquiry & Design in HPE 3 F2F (3rd Bootcamp) & SDL ED 1001

ED 1002

ED 1005 Trends, Debates & Best Evidence in HPE 3 Weekly LIVE Webinars & SDL None
ED 1006 Simulation & Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) 3 F2F (4th Bootcamp) & SDL None
Y2 S3 ED 1007 Advances in Curriculum Design, Teaching and Assessment in HPE 3 Weekly LIVE Webinars & SDL None
ED 1008 Quality Measurement in HPE 3 Weekly LIVE Webinars & SDL None
ED 1009 The PhD Thesis:

The thesis is a compilation of four publications, including the rationale, conceptual framework, methodology and the key findings of the four published research in the form of a book, that includes the following Chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction and Rationale
  • Chapter 2: The full manuscript of Study 1.
  • Chapter 3: The full manuscript of Study 2.
  • Chapter 4: The full manuscript of Study 3.
  • Chapter 5: The full manuscript of Study 4.
  • Chapter 6: General Discussion
  • Chapter 7: Summary of the PhD Thesis.
30 Weekly LIVE Webinars & SDL ED 1001

ED 1002

ED 1003

ED 1004

Y3 S5
Y4 S7
  • Prof. Hossam Hamdy (GMU)
  • Dr. Mohamed Al-Eraky (GMU)
  • Dr. Andrea Woltman (EUR)
  • Prof. Dr. Henk Schmidt (EUR)
  • Prof. David Taylor (GMU)
  • Dr. Sílvia Mamede (EUR)
  • Prof. Salah Kassab (GMU)
  • Dr. Laura Zwaan (EUR)
  • Dr. Dario Cecilio-Fernandes (EUR)
  • Dr. Marloes Nederhand (EUR)
  • Dr. Floor van Rosse (EUR)
  • Prof. Jayadevan (GMU)
  • Prof. Mohi Eldin Magzoub (UAE University)
  • Prof. Kameshwar Prasad (All India Institute)

Applicants to the Dual PhD in HPE program are required to fulfill the admission requirements of both Gulf Medical University (GMU) and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) in two phases:

Screening phase

Applicants for PhD should have completed MHPE (Master in Health Professions Education), with CGPA of not less than 3.0 (out of 4.0).

Applicants have to share a link to his/her e-Portolfio, including:

  • An updated version of the CV
  • MHPE degree certificate:
  • The MHPE Thesis
  • Full text of all publications co-authored by the candidate.
  • Motivation letter (up to 500 words) on the rationale for joining the program and plans after graduation.
Selection phase

Shortlisted candidates from screening will be asked to:

  • Submit a literature review (up to 1000 words) on a selected topic by the committee.
  • Suggest 3 approaches on the same line of research in an online presentation.
  • Pass a final interview with members of the Joint Academic Committee (JAC) of the Dual PhD program that is jointly formed between GMU and EUR.

Other official documents:

Passport-style photograph (5) on a white background, valid UAE national ID card (for applicants who currently reside in the UAE), Valid passport with a clear copy of their valid UAE visa and Family Book (Khulasat Al Qaid – UAE National applicants only).

Apply Now: [link]