ICU 101 Islamic Culture
The course aims to the learner to the concepts and beliefs in Islam that form the basics of Islamic culture. The students are expected to identify the differences, compare values and preferences in Islamic culture with the existing ones. The course consists of a general review of Islam as a religion and as an approach to life. The objective of this course is to enable the student to demonstrate awareness of the effects of culture upon interpersonal communications and to interact appropriately to the culture of the colleague/patient.
USO 101 UAE Society & Cultural Diversity
This course focuses on the unique nature of the UAE society and its political, geographical, cultural, demographical, and social aspects. It highlights the Emirati perspective of contemporary global changes. This course allows the students to explore the Emirati society in global context. The students will be able to get an insight into the unique political, geographical, cultural, demographical, and social aspects of the UAE society. They will use this knowledge in their interpersonal dealings with the individual members of this community when they meet them in the work-related settings or the community. Students will develop awareness of cultural diversity advantages and disadvantages and discuss cultural, social and communication sensitivities and will be able to relate themselves to global context.
BSE 101 Behavioral Sciences and Ethics
The course is designed to give an overview of the main topics in behavioral sciences and Ethics including biological basis of behavior, mental processes, sensation and perception, learning, motivation, intelligence, human development, personality and universal ethical principles. The objective of the course is to enable the student to understand and apply the knowledge, skills and attitude developed in this course to communicate effectively. Students will learn and practice strong values, ethical conduct and social responsibilities, especially personal, academic and professional integrity while developing collaboration in diverse team settings. Students will be trained to display sensitivity to cultural, psychosocial and ethical issues.
ENG 101 English Language
The course provides an intensive instruction in the communication process focusing on the organization of ideas in well-developed expository and argumentative essays with emphasis on developing vocabulary and writing examination answers. In the process the students will be able to document their learning experiences effectively. This course prepares students to be proficient in spoken and written English. It is intended to improve way of the use of the English language as a basic tool for professional communications.
AHP 101 Arabic for Health Professionals
The course is designed for both Arabic and non-Arabic speakers to enable them to communicate in health professional settings. Many role plays will help students of basic and advanced levels at the same time to understand each other’s problems while speaking to the person with language limitations of any kind. Course will enable non-native speakers to acquire basic knowledge in greetings and simple communication with patients. All students will function as an effective team member and contribute to peer learning.
BIS 101 Biostatistics
This course presents biostatistics related to health and medical problem solving in analytical way. This course introduces the student to the principles of statistics and concept of clinical trial design and analysis. Student will be able to explain the concept of variables, data description; probability and concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics; and to demonstrate basic knowledge of application data analyses in applied health sciences. Student will be able to make decision about appropriate use of descriptive and inferential statistics according to the type of data and study design for answering a particular research question. This is foundation and prerequisite for courses which will be taken later on, such are research and evidence-based medicine.
ITE 101 Information Technology
This course aims to develop effective literature search, scientific writing and presentation skills. It intends to enable the students to understand the various types of scientific literature available, perform an effective literature search, write a review on a scientific topic, prepare effective tables and graphs and present effective oral and poster presentations. The student will be made aware about plagiarism as well. Student will be able to demonstrate skills in searching a topic using various learning resources and databases (information literacy skills).
EIS 101 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability
This course aims to initiate final year students in innovation process, enable them with basic entrepreneurship skills and make them understand the concepts of sustainability in modern word in the field of their future profession. Course is designed in 3 parts in order to explain main principles of entrepreneurial process; to link them with concept of innovation and to engage in sustainability leadership to affect positive societal change. For future medical professionals this course has to ensure ability of medical decision making properly balanced between professional, ethical approaches on one side and finance and business on the other side.
Natural Sciences
Depending on natural science course description will be provided in details. All natural sciences’ courses have common goals to train student to identify, collect, organize, analyze, evaluate and use scientific information effectively and responsibly in the context of their profession. Students will apply critical thinking to make informed and logical judgments. While completion of natural science course student will be able to show comprehension and use of quantitative and qualitative ideas and methods for critical assessment of the data and effective problem- solving.