The College of Nursing at Gulf Medical University is a dynamic Institution committed to prepare professional nurses who delivers the highest quality patient care guided by ethics, research, and innovation. It conducts 2 programs which is accredited by Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Higher Education, UAE. 4 years Bachelor of Science in Nursing for candidates who successfully completed their 12 years schooling. 2 years Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses who possess Diploma in Nursing with experience. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is designed with an aim to keep pace with the changing demands of the global healthcare services and bench marked with International standards of Nursing education. The BSN program is a credit bearing program following semester system. Both programs consist of Theory, Lab and Clinical Practicum. Hands on clinical training is integrated with each Nursing course. The final semester is Extended Clinical Practicum in all specialities with an aim of ‘Readiness to Practice’. We have adopted International best practices in teaching/learning and assessment approaches. Students are trained to become self-learners and life-long learners to adapt to the rapidly changing advances in the chosen professional field.
Strength of the program
The Nursing curricula of our programs are Competency based & benchmarked with International ANA standards. Experienced and expert faculty in all specialties guide the students in meeting their learning needs. The Teaching & Learning resources available in the University ranges from Smart Classrooms, Multimedia Lab, CASH – Simulation lab, Full flexed Library with textbooks & Journals in all Nursing specialties.
One of the unique strengths is that we own our JCI accredited hospital in Ajman and its branches in various parts of UAE forming the larger GMU Academic Health System which provides a sound base for clinical practicum for our students. This has enabled us to embed our students into their workplace environment very early and at another level, employ our graduates in our own facilities. Summer Elective training is offered within the hospitals and outside the country.
The University offers a platform for a wide range of Extracurricular & Co-curricular activities for the overall development of the students.
The BSN Students are prepared to undertake the Licensure examination by the Ministry of Health during the Extended Clinical Practicum. Our healthcare facilities are approved by the Ministry of Health for the Internship training.
The College offers a rich and vibrant learning environment where knowledge is imparted and shared. The campus fosters collaboration among students & faculty from various health professions and cultural backgrounds. The Inter-Professional Education climate in the Gulf Medical University helps in preparing the students to be good health care team members in the future.
Scope of the program
Acquiring a Bachelor degree of International standards which makes them eligible for higher education – the graduates are eligible to acquire Masters, Doctorate and Post-doctoral education in Nursing & in many other disciplines after obtaining the Bachelor degree.
Nursing is projected to be one among the top 10 professions across the globe and as a career it has a high job security with a demand for nurses out numbering their supply. Always there is 100% job opportunity in various settings within and outside the country.
Upon successful completion of the BSN program from Gulf Medical University and obtaining the license/regulatory requirements; the graduates can:
- Work as a registered nurse or nursing supervisor in different health care settings ranging from clinics, hospitals, community, industrial establishments, educational institutions, travel, defense etc.
- Advance in career as Nurse educator, Nurse administrator/manager, Clinical Nurse specialist or Nurse practitioner by pursuing higher education as Master of Science in Nursing in Various specialty areas e.g. Medical Surgical Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Child Health/Pediatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Infection Control Nursing etc.
- Work as Consultants, Directors, Deans, Entrepreneurs, Researchers etc after completing Ph.D. in any of the specialties.