Answering to the need of the time, a career advising session was arranged for all the BSN students of College of Nursing.
To deliver the topic on ‘Etiquette and Decorum for Students’ an apt speaker, Ms. Burcu Aydin, Director of Student Affairs, GMU was invited.
The College of Nursing planned for a blended mode of delivery. Ms. Burcu met the first-year students in the class room, while students of II, and III year joined online along with faculty members in their respective classrooms. This ensured maximum participation from the students, and also increased the interaction.
Students’ involvement was ensured with questions and activities throughout the session.
Approximately 100 students attended the session on campus.
The session commenced with Ms. Burcu focusing on Professionalism and why it is important for Nursing students as Health care professionals.
She further specified the rules and regulations for a student in the University and the etiquettes which is expected from them at GMU. She also highlighted some of the common problems the Student Affairs Department deals on a regular basis. She encouraged the students to clarify any points discussed in her power point presentation. Ms. Burcu explained about the consequences of those who are found cheating during examinations, bullying, being disrespectful to faculty, damaging property, sexual harassment, behaving recklessly etc.
She informed the students about the stages of handling student misbehavior based on the severity of the misdemeanor, which starts with a disciplinary action committee dealing with any issue which is escalated to the University administration resulting with a verbal warning, secondly written warning, and finally serious action of suspension to dismissal from the University.
Ms. Burcu emphasized about honors list, and explained that at the time of graduation, the list of students is also cross verified to see if there has been any disciplinary action even an warning issue to him/her, which automatically makes them ineligible to be included in the honors list.
She urged the students to think before acting, reiterating that getting into trouble is not worth risking one’s own reputation, studies, career and future for a minute of momentary satisfaction.
The session ended with students asking for clarification about what may be considered as misbehavior or misdemeanor, and Ms. Burcu clarified their doubts. The students were encouraged to express their concerns with regards to any rules; one student expressed that he doesn’t think mandatory attendance is necessary for a Nursing student. Ms. Burcu explained that knowledge is acquired from classroom and from clinical sites and for a student to be a good healthcare professional and it was absolutely mandatory.
The session underlined the fact that the students have to maintain decorum be it in speech, dress code or behavior while they are in the university and in the clinical training sites.