Associate Degree in Pre-Clinical Sciences (ADPCS)

We are pleased to inform that the Substantive Change of the Associate Degree in Preclinical Sciences Program (NQF Level 5) to a Higher Diploma in Preclinical Sciences Program (NQF Level 6) has received accreditation from the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Ministry of Education (MOE), UAE on July 01, 2022. Students currently enrolled in the ADPCS program (Class of 2023 & 2024) and students joining this program from AY 2022-2023 onwards shall be awarded the Higher Diploma in Preclinical Sciences by GMU on successful completion of the program.

Associate Degree in Pre-Clinical Sciences (ADPCS) is an innovative program developed by College of Medicine, Gulf Medical University, which received Initial Accreditation by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Ministry of Education, Higher Education Affairs, UAE on January 1, 2014.

The plan of study for the program has been developed to enable the graduates to integrate a broad generic base of knowledge and skills in the field of preclinical sciences and acquire competencies to prepare them to progress to the clinical sciences in the continuum of medical education.

Thus, Gulf Medical University has collaborated with reputed universities in the world to offer a collaborative medical degree program, where the preclinical phase is conducted at GMU and the subsequent clinical phase is conducted at the partner university. The articulation agreement between GMU and the collaborating universities shall ensure a seamless transition between the preclinical and clinical phase.

The Associate Degree in Preclinical Sciences Program serves as the preclinical phase of this collaborative medical degree program. On successful completion of the preclinical phase, an Associate Degree in Preclinical Sciences shall be awarded to the graduate by GMU, and the collaborating university shall award the final medical degree [MBBS or MD or MBChB as applicable] upon successful completion of the program.

Medical University of Lublin (MUL), Lublin, Poland, University of Ghana (UG) School of Medicine and Dentistry, Accra, Ghana, and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Italy are the current collaborating universities.

Program offered and local accreditation status


Program learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic, pre-clinical, and allied sciences, and their applications to the functioning of the human body.
  • Apply the knowledge of pre-clinical sciences for a comprehension of the scientific basis of common health problems, their prevention and management
  • Have a sound understanding of the recommended guidelines, legal and regulatory framework
  • Perform basic pre-clinical practical and procedural skills under supervision and critically interpret the data.
  • Communicate effectively with patients, their families, colleagues, superiors and members of the public through written, verbal and electronic means in simulated and real environment
  • Use information technology to enhance interactive learning, adopt an evidence-based approach to decision making and to maintain appropriate documentation
  • Assist health professionals in health promotion and disease prevention
  • Function as an effective team member during process of collaborative learning and when dealing with peers and superiors
  • Possess qualities of self-evaluation, reflection, self-learning and time-management skills so that life-long learning could be undertaken for personal and professional development


Curriculum structure

Credit hours

Credit equivalency for ADPCS program is total 106 (core ADPCS blocks is 76 and each Preparatory and Bridge semester are by 15 credits)


Graduation requirements

Completion Policy

The student will be recommended for the award of Associate Degree in Preclinical Sciences program upon:

  • Being continuously enrolled in the program from admission to graduation
  • Having satisfied all conditions of his or her admission
  • Attaining a minimum attendance of not less than 80% in each course
  • Successful completion of a comprehensive Final Examination with an overall score of not less than 65%

Prof. Tatjana Ille

Professor of Biostatistics
Head, Department of General Education &
ADPCS Program Coordinator

One of the unique features of College of Medicine is our program:  Associate Degree in Preclinical Sciences (ADPCS). Accredited in January 2014 by CAA, Ministry of Education UAE, started a first batch in 2017 September.

This is international MD program split into two phases: preclinical based in GMU and clinical phase in of the collaborating universities, according to students’ choice. Medical University of Lublin (MUL), Lublin, Poland, University of Ghana (UG) School of Medicine and Dentistry, Accra, Ghana, and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Italy are the current collaborating universities. From academic year 2020/21, two new partner universities are coming into the picture, as agreement of collaborations have been signed.

The unique feature of this program is international exposure and experience for students and faculty exchange. Through this program GMU became globally visible over Africa, Asia and Europe. The quality of education and student-centered learning are following highest and latest standards recommended by AMEE and WFME.

The competency-based curricula, integrated study plan, international faculty team and state of art facilities are combined to ensure that all students acquire skills needed for life-long learning, effective communication, teamwork and professionalism in global level.

The program of studies leading to the award of the Associate Degree in Preclinical Sciences has been developed to enable the graduates to integrate a broad generic base of knowledge and skills in the field of preclinical sciences and acquire competencies at an appropriate level to prepare them to progress to the clinical sciences in the continuum of medical education. The program will also emphasize and equip the graduate with the skills needed for life-long learning, effective communication, teamwork and professionalism.

Study Plan

Preparatory courses
Preparatory Courses English Language (ENG 101) Arabic for Health Professionals

(AHP 101)


(BIS 101)

Information technology

(ITE 101)

Islamic culture

(ICU 101)


(CHM 114)

Human Biology

(BIO 101)

Semester 1 Spring PCB 1
Preclinical Sciences  Block 1 Communication Skills (MED 101) UAE Society & Cultural Diversity (USO 101) Basic Biomedical Sciences (BMS 101) 8
Genetics, Immunology & Molecular Biology (GIM 101) 4
Basic Mechanism of Diseases (BMD 101) 6
Semester 2 Fall PCB 2
Preclinical Sciences Block 2 Behavioral
Science and
(BSE 101)
Hematopoietic System (HPS 201) 5
Cardiovascular System (CVS 201) 8
Respiratory System (RES 201) 5
Semester 3 Spring PCB 3
Preclinical Sciences Block 3 Community Medicine & Epidemiology (CME 201) Alimentary System (ALS 201) 8
Urinary System (URS 201) 5
Endocrine System & Metabolism (EDM 201) 5
Semester 4 Fall PCB 4
Preclinical Sciences Block 4 Research
Reproductive System (RPS 201) 5
Nervous System (NES 201) 7
Musculoskeletal System (MSK 201) 6
Advanced courses
Advanced biomedical courses Professional Skill Courses I & II (PSC 302) 15
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability (EIS 101)
Elective Courses 1
Journal Club (JCB 401)
Humanities (HUM 101)
 Elective courses 2
YEAR 3 Spring 


Course Description

Preparatory Courses

ENG 101: English Language

The course provides an intensive instruction in the communication process focusing on the organization of ideas in well-developed expository and argumentative essays with emphasis on developing vocabulary and writing examination answers. In the process the students will be able to document their learning experiences effectively. This course prepares students to be proficient in spoken and written English. It is intended to improve way of the use of the English language as a basic tool for professional communications.

BIS 101: Biostatistics

This course presents biostatistics related to health and medical problem solving in analytical way. This course introduces the student to the principles of statistics and concept of clinical trial design and analysis. Student will be able to explain the concept of variables, data description; probability and concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics; and to demonstrate basic knowledge of application data analyses in applied health sciences. Student will be able to make decision about appropriate use of descriptive and inferential statistics according to the type of data and study design for answering a particular research question. This is foundation and prerequisite for courses which will be taken later on, such are research and evidence-based medicine.

ITE 101 Information Technology

This course aims to develop effective literature search, scientific writing and presentation skills. It intends to enable the students to understand the various types of scientific literature available, perform an effective literature search, write a review on a scientific topic, prepare effective tables and graphs and present effective oral and poster presentations. The student will be made aware about plagiarism as well. Student will be able to demonstrate skills in searching a topic using various learning resources and databases (information literacy skills).

ICU 101 Islamic Culture

The course aims to the learner to the concepts and beliefs in Islam that form the basics of Islamic culture. The students are expected to identify the differences, compare values and preferences in Islamic culture with the existing ones. The course consists of a general review of Islam as a religion and as an approach to life. The objective of this course is to enable the student to demonstrate awareness of the effects of culture upon interpersonal communications and to interact appropriately to the culture of the colleague/patient.

CHM 114: Chemistry

This course provides in depth understanding of the structure and properties of atom, periodic table, molecules, ionic and covalent compounds. It also provides comprehension of the states of matter and their properties; mixtures, suspensions, colloidal state, solutions, diffusion and osmosis. Knowledge of Hydrogen ion concentration (pH), acids, bases and salts; chemical and biological buffers in relation to homeostasis is also provided. The course will also focus on titration, oxidation-reduction reactions, thermodynamics including rate of reaction and energy changes. Chemical bonds and reactions of inorganic and organic compounds including the structure-function relationships of biomolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acid) is one of the focus areas of this course. It also covers the chemical and biochemical calculations. Laboratory sessions help in understanding the properties of buffers and chemical reactions of organic compounds including biomolecules. The course provides the student with the knowledge of Chemistry preparing him/her to comprehend higher level courses especially Biochemistry.

BIO 101: Human Biology

This course provides the relevant foundation for students of biomedical sciences. It introduces students to the structure and functioning of the major human body systems including the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, neuromuscular and endocrine systems. Concepts of genes and heredity, infection and immunity as well as the relationship between man and environment are also introduced. The objective of this course is to enable the student to apply knowledge of the structure and function of the organ-systems to the working of the human body. The student will apply knowledge of heredity and the roles of chromosomes and genes, concepts of infection and immunity to understand disease states.

AHP 101: Arabic for Health Professionals

The course is designed for both Arabic and non-Arabic speakers to enable them to communicate in health professional settings. Many role plays will help students of basic and advanced levels at the same time to understand each other’s problems while speaking to the person with language limitations of any kind. Course will enable non-native speakers to acquire basic knowledge in greetings and simple communication with patients. All students will function as an effective team member and contribute to peer learning.

Semester 1 – Block 1

MED 101: Communication Skills

The overall aim of the course is to enable the student to become oriented to the communication tasks of a physician by developing an appreciation of the interpersonal nature of medical encounters in different clinical situations, develop basic communication skills and learn communication strategies. The course follows the Calgary-Cambridge guidelines and designed to provide a variety of patient encounter settings to understand the basic interpersonal communication processes, gain sensitivity to patient perspectives and to develop a sense of personal awareness which will help the student to deal with patients of all ages and both genders in routine and challenging situations and in the process, work effectively as a member of the healthcare team. Students will be encouraged to learn medical terminology in common usage to reduce the language barriers to improve their communication skills. Role-plays, audio and video, and small group sessions would be the predominant pedagogical strategy adopted in this course to meet the outcomes. This course provides a strong foundation for the future with the principles learnt here shall be applied during the Professional Skills course and the clerkships. This course strongly contributes to the Program Learning Outcomes related to Communication Skills, Leadership and Teamwork, Professionalism and Values, and Personal Development.

USO 101 UAE Society and Cultural Diversity

This course focuses on the unique nature of the UAE society and its political, geographical, cultural, demographical, and social aspects. It highlights the Emirati perspective of contemporary global changes. This course allows the students to explore the Emirati society in global context. The students will be able to get an insight into the unique political, geographical, cultural, demographical, and social aspects of the UAE society. They will use this knowledge in their interpersonal dealings with the individual members of this community when they meet them in the work-related settings or the community. Students will develop awareness of cultural diversity advantages and disadvantages and discuss cultural, social and communication sensitivities and will be able to relate themselves to global context.

BMS 101: Basic Biomedical Sciences

This is the first course in Preclinical Science Block 1 of the program and spans over 8 weeks. The 4 core subjects taught in Biomedical Science course are Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and General Pharmacology. In this course, the emphasis is on how biomolecules form cellular structures that ultimately organize to form various tissues, organs and systems, which through biochemical and physiological processes function effectively and economically to maintain homeostasis. Such knowledge, subsequently will allow understanding of how these life processes that are essential for normal growth and development change during disease. The course also offers an early opportunity and excitement to learn about medical intervention and treatment of disease. In this course, lectures on embryology pertaining to gametogenesis, fertilization and the growth and development of the fetus from conception are being introduced. The practical component of this course will help to illustrate and reinforce the theoretical lectures. It will also provide skills in handling delicate and sensitive instruments, data analysis and report writing apart from providing opportunities for teamwork. Most importantly, the comprehensive basic biomedical science knowledge provided in this course will form a strong foundation for learning in other courses taken subsequently

GIM 101: Genetics, Immunology and Molecular Biology

This is the third course in the Preclinical Science Block 1, running for 4 weeks and will deal with Medical Genetics and Immunology with a brief introduction to Molecular Biology.

Medical Genetics is one of the most advanced fields of medicine and Molecular Genetics is now integral to all aspects of biomedical science. Physicians of the 21st century are expected to have an in-depth knowledge of the principles of human genetics and their application to a wide variety of clinical problems.

Immunology is the study of our protection from foreign macromolecules or invading organisms and our responses to them. In addition, we develop immune responses against our own proteins (and other molecules) in autoimmunity and against our own aberrant cells in tumor immunity. Therefore, this module describes the importance of the host’s immune system [cellular and humoral] in protecting the body from the offending stimuli or invading pathogens. The role of HLA [Human Leucocyte Antigen] / MHC [Major Histocompatibility Complex] in the antigen recognition, its association in disease will also be discussed. The theory of why the host’s susceptibility to infection is exaggerated with deficiency of the immune system [immunodeficiency] and that such exaggerated or inappropriate immune responses in the body can have detrimental effects on the body [hypersensitivity reactions] and may result in disease [autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases] is dealt with in this module.

The chemistry of DNA and RNA along with the processes of mutation & repair, transcription and translation and mechanisms of formation of proteins will be covered in this course. This module will also enable to appreciate the fundamentals of Molecular Medicine that is the application of powerful modern bioscience approaches such as molecular cell biology and molecular genetics to the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.

This course will enable to learn about the details of genetics and immunology and diseases associated with the various genetic abnormalities and their occurrence in the population, together with anticancer treatment.

BMD 101: Basic Mechanism of Diseases

This course will run for 6 weeks which will cover the relevant aspects of the basic mechanisms of disease, the pathological changes and both macroscopically and microscopically processes involved in the causation of diseases and their correlation to the clinical manifestations of the disease {Pathology}. The laboratory characteristics, virulence factors of the various biological agents of disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) {Microbiology & Parasitology} and mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis will also be discussed. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, principles of toxicology and adverse effects will be discussed in Pharmacology. The course will also introduce the general principles of antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial drugs, Penicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics with respect to their mechanisms of action, indications and contraindications to treatment, side effects and the mechanisms of bacterial resistance.

Semester 2 – Block 2

BSE 101 Behavioral Science and Ethics

The course is designed to give an overview of the main topics in behavioral sciences and Ethics including biological basis of behavior, mental processes, sensation and perception, learning, motivation, intelligence, human development, personality and universal ethical principles. The objective of the course is to enable the student to understand and apply the knowledge, skills and attitude developed in this course to communicate effectively. Students will learn and practice strong values, ethical conduct and social responsibilities, especially personal, academic and professional integrity while developing collaboration in diverse team settings. Students will be trained to display sensitivity to cultural, psychosocial and ethical issues.

HPS 201: Hematopoietic System

The Hematopoietic System is the first of the 3 courses in Preclinical Science Block 2, which will run for 5 weeks. It introduces the basic facts on the structure and function of the blood elements, which are mainly covered in Biochemistry and Hematology, with some input from Anatomy. This course also covers disorders of the hematopoietic system (blood and bone marrow), including study of the constituents of blood and the various diseases of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets and bleeding disorders. Overview of the blood groups and transfusion medicine along with blood transfusion risks and reactions will be learnt in Physiology and Pathology.

With this prerequisite knowledge, one will be able to appreciate better how the system can turn abnormal, resulting in diseases. These diseases will be dealt with mainly in Pathology. In Microbiology, the lymph node syndrome, dengue and other viral hemorrhagic fevers will be discussed. Infections by hemiparasites like malaria and filaria and principles of management will be covered in Parasitology. Pharmacology sessions will discuss topics on hematic, anticoagulants, fibrinolytic and antiplatelet drugs.

CVS 201: Cardiovascular System

The CVS course of Preclinical Science Block 2 – the Cardiovascular System will be conducted over 8 weeks. The cardiovascular system (CVS) comprises the heart and blood vessels serving the primary functions of carrying nutrients and removal of wastes products of metabolism, distributing hormones and in defense by transporting immunoglobulin’s and white blood cells.

Anatomy lectures and practical will help understand the structure of the heart, its blood vessels and nerve supply; the development of the heart as well as the fetal circulation. Physiology lectures will constitute the bulk of this course. The aim of learning physiology is to help understand the function of the heart as a pump. It begins with the mechanism on the generation of impulses in the pacemaker tissue and how these impulses are transmitted at the cardiac conduction system. The events of the cardiac cycle and the amount of blood that can be pumped out per minute will also be discussed. This will be followed by the relationship between blood flow, pressure and resistance in the blood vessels & microcirculation. Blood pressure and its control mechanism, hypovolemic shock & its physiologic reversal will also be covered. For Biochemistry, there will be lectures on the metabolism of cholesterol and lipoproteins to understand how disturbances in metabolism of lipid can cause damage to the heart and blood vessels.

The Pathology part will deal with the various diseases, which are inherited and acquired and how they bring about changes in the hemodynamic mechanisms leading to complications like cardiac failure. Microbiology will cover how infections can affect the cardiovascular system, especially the heart in infective endocarditis leading to severe valvular diseases that can affect and even cripple the normal function of this organ. Bacteremia and other sepsis-related disorders will also have an impact on this organ. Together with diseases comes the treatment, which will be covered in Pharmacology alongside the disease conditions in Pathology and Microbiology.

RES 201: Respiratory System

The Respiratory System course will be for 5 weeks. In this course, the normal anatomical structure, physiological and biochemical functions of the respiratory system and the diseases, the pathological changes and treatment will be covered.

Anatomy teaching learning activities (TLas) and practical will help understand the structure of the lungs as well as the rest of the respiratory tract such as the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. The TLAs will also encompass developmental anatomy and histology of the respiratory system.

The aim of Physiology lectures and practical is to help understand the functions of the lungs and the rest of the airway in breathing. The mechanisms and control of respiration in normal persons, in the newborn and the effect of exercise on ventilation will also be considered along with the respiratory adjustments in deep sea diving and high altitude.

Biochemistry will deal with the transport of gases in the body and the role of surfactants. Pathological changes in structure (both macroscopic and microscopic) and functions (Pathology) and infections (Microbiology) of the respiratory system will be taught in this course. An introduction to the parasites of the lung in Parasitology and a lecture on the harmful effects of smoking and on lung cancer in Community Medicine will be the other highlights of this course. Laboratory diagnosis (Microbiology & Pathology) as well as the drugs (Pharmacology) used in the treatment of respiratory diseases will be discussed in this course.

Semester 3 – Block 3

CME 201: Community Medicine & Epidemiology

The Community Medicine & Epidemiology Module is a community-based program with the aim to introduce the student to the various management issues that become pertinent and develop awareness of the activities implemented in the prevention and control of diseases. This course introduces the students to the set-up of the rural health services at the district level while getting to care for patients in the context of their family. They will also gain knowledge on social, cultural and environmental factors that affect patients in a rural setting. Students will also experience the activities in the prevention and control of diseases. They will also be introduced to the organization and management of a district hospital. They will learn about their future role as a manager and as a medical officer in the district hospital. They will also can conduct a scientific study on important health problems and needs in the district. They will have to identify and select a health problem, propose and conduct the study based on their limited available resources, time and manpower and present their report at the end of the course.

ALS 201: Alimentary System

This is the first course in the Preclinical Science Block 3 which spans over 8 weeks. The course begins with an in-depth theoretical basis about the embryology, histology and gross anatomy of the gastrointestinal system. This is followed by the functional aspects of the gastrointestinal tract which will be covered in physiology and the metabolism of vitamins and minerals along with digestion and absorption of important macromolecules will be emphasized in biochemistry. With the basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry it would be easier to appreciate the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and complications in pathology. This module will lead to an understanding of viruses, bacteria and parasites involved in the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which will be dealt in microbiology and parasitology. Eventually, a wide array of drugs used in the diseases of the GI system will be dealt in pharmacology.

This course will be delivered with appropriate teaching / learning methods to help understand the basic concepts in a lucid manner. The practical incorporated in this course will re-enforce the theoretical knowledge. PBL will help identify and analyze problems and draw appropriate conclusions. Clinical skills will be integrated and the coverage includes specialized history taking and examination technique in the GI system. The theoretical concepts provided in this course will undoubtedly form a strong foundation for the clinical years.

URS 201: Urinary System

The urinary system course of Preclinical Science Block 3 will be conducted in 5 weeks. It includes the Anatomy, which comprises the gross and histology of the kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. This will follow the functions of glomerular & tubules and role of kidney in homeostasis which input from physiology. This course will highlight about the composition of normal urine & abnormal urine and biochemical function of the kidney. With this prerequisite knowledge, the course will progress to the causes, clinical features, morphology and diagnosis of the disorders of the urinary system, which will be dealt in Pathology. Microbiology; Parasitology will deal with parasitic infestations affecting the urinary system. Alongside with diseases, the drugs in the treatment of urinary tract infections and importance of the drugs, which have the effects of nephrotoxicity, will be amply covered in the course

EDM 201: Endocrine System and Metabolism

The Endocrine System and Metabolism course extends over 5 weeks, wherein the normal anatomical structure, the physiological and biochemical functions of the endocrine system, as well as the disease aspects of the system, which cover the pathological changes, treatment and the prevention and control of these diseases will be dealt comprehensively. The mechanism of how the endocrine system maintains the homeostasis of the internal environment by releasing hormones, and how these hormonal production and mechanisms can go wrong will also be highlighted.

In Anatomy, the gross anatomy and histology of major endocrine glands through lectures and practical’s along with the development of the major endocrine glands will be covered. In Physiology, the functions and regulation of hormones secreted by the major endocrine glands, along with the functions of hormones secreted from the pineal gland, heart, kidney and gastrointestinal tract will be dealt. The hormonal processes at the molecular level will be covered in Biochemistry. Pathology will highlight the changes in structure (both macroscopic and microscopic) and functions and preventive measure of the endocrine system will be covered Community Medicine.

This course will also cover the laboratory diagnosis and treatment aspects of endocrine diseases.  The ECE module will cover basic clinical and procedural skills in the examination of the endocrine system.

Semester 4 – Block 4

RME 201: Research Methodology

This is a course which spans across several other courses. It aims to teach students how to base their future practice in the community on evidence (as advocated by evidence-based medicine). The students will prepare a small research proposal by working in groups, through which they will learn the process of obtaining systematic information on the population with respect to its state of health or illness and learn about data processing. The students will also learn the impact of research findings and how it can help promote health and prevent disease within their chosen community.

RPS 201: Reproductive System

The reproductive system course in Preclinical Science Block 4 will be conducted over a period of 5 weeks. The approach to teaching this course is basically the same as with the previous courses. In Anatomy, embryology, gross anatomy and histology of the reproductive system will be covered. In Physiology and Biochemistry, the functional aspects, including topics such as pregnancy, parturition and lactation will be covered. The obvious objective is to assist in gaining useful information and knowledge that should ensure the understanding of both benign and malignant pathological conditions of the reproductive system.

Genital infections and sexually transmitted diseases are among the important infections commonly encountered in medical practice. The causative agents, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnosis and outline of treatment will be discussed under Microbiology.

Drugs used in the reproductive system, which includes androgens, estrogens, and oral contraceptive will be dealt with Pharmacology. The physiology of hormonal changes in relation to the changes in the endometrial lining during normal menstrual cycle will be introduced to have a better understanding of the pharmacology of these drugs. As in other modules, Early Clinical Skills will be integrated, and the coverage include specialized history taking and examination technique of gynecological and obstetrics patient.

NES 201: Nervous System

The Nervous System course will extend over 7 weeks. The course content will cover normal structure and function, development, biochemistry and the processes leading to diseases of the nervous system. Subjects are generally synchronized through their similarity in topic coverage in the medical sciences.

The coverage in anatomy is extensive and aims to provide the foundation and basis for the understanding of physiology. The general organization of the brain and spinal cord, the ascending and descending tracts and component parts of neural circuits and the basal ganglia will be discussed. Besides these, the general topographical features and development of the nervous system as well as the anatomy of the special senses will also be covered.

The physiology component covers the role of nervous system in the co-ordination and regulation of the activities of all other organ systems. Study begins with how the change in the external and internal environment of the body is transmitted in an orderly manner to the brain and spinal cord. Discussion will include how this information is integrated by the central nervous system to bring about the appropriate motor changes to maintain homeostasis. Along with this, functions of specific areas also will be discussed such as role of cerebellum and basal ganglia in motor cortex, role of cerebral cortex in higher functions, role of limbic system in emotion and behavior etc., including their applied aspects. Information from special sense organs reaching the nervous system and its interpretation will also be covered.

The subject’s microbiology and parasitology will deal with viruses, bacteria, other pathogens and their role in the disease process of the nervous system. The wide array of drugs and including their action and side effects will be dealt in pharmacology.

Diseases of the Central Nervous System – particularly strokes, head injuries, cerebrovascular accidents and tumors – are major causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. This will be dealt in pathology. Besides lectures, other appropriate teaching–learning methods are employed to enhance the learning process for example, practical, small group discussion, tutorial, early clinical exposure, PBL and others.

In Pharmacology, the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in drugs acting on the Nervous system will be studied. The scope of drugs covered will range from the drug used in anesthesia, anti-epileptic drugs, opioids, sedative hypnotics and drug used in psychiatry.

In Biochemistry, the course provides exposure to complex lipids that are important for the structure and functional integrity of nervous tissue. As to how the nerve cells obtain energy for their survival and for the synthesis of neurotransmitters will be emphasized in this course.

MSK 201: Musculoskeletal System

The Musculoskeletal system course in Preclinical Science Block 3 will extend over 6 weeks. The course content will cover the normal structure and function and the processes leading to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The skeleton is the bony framework of the body. It provides support and protection to some soft organs.  The bones are important for skeletal muscle attachments. They form joints and serve as levers thus allowing movements to occur when the muscles contract. In short the musculoskeletal system plays a very important role in the body’s locomotor system.

In Anatomy, the emphasis will be on the normal structure and function of the musculoskeletal system including the changes in these structures due to injury or diseases. The gross anatomy of important muscles, their actions, nerve and blood supply and lymphatic drainage are covered in lectures under the headings of the Upper and Lower Limbs, Abdominal Wall, the Pelvis and Perineum, and the Head and Neck.  Important landmark features and foramina of the bones will also be studied. The attachments of important muscles will be discussed during the practical sessions.

The mechanisms of muscle contraction will be covered under Physiology. Muscle contraction requires ATPs. This energy can be obtained from the metabolism of carbohydrate and lipids.  The ATPs generated are also stored in the muscle in the form of creatine phosphate, a high-energy compound that serves as an energy reserve in muscle contributing to the contraction process. This aspect of energy metabolism will be dealt with in Biochemistry.  Musculoskeletal structures can turn abnormal, because of diseases. The etiology and pathogenesis and biological agents of diseases of muscle and bone and the skin along with the disease process and treatment will be dealt under pathology, microbiology, parasitology and pharmacology comprehensively.

Advanced courses semester

PSC 301: Professional Skills Course I

This course is designed to provide a practical and hands-on experience to the students to apply their understanding of the human structure, function and derangement to perform basic component clinical skills. The course is strengthened by its emphasis on the correlation between applied anatomy, physiology and pathology and history taking, physical examination, laboratory and radiological interpretation skills to make informed decisions regarding patient care and health. The clinical skill sessions will be exclusively conducted in the safe and error-forgiving environment of the Center for Advanced Simulation in Healthcare (CASH) to provide a realistic context and setting.

PSC 302: Professional Skills Course II

This course is designed to provide the students with a realistic, safe, error-forgiving hands-on learning opportunity to apply their understanding of the human structure, function and derangement to perform basic procedural skills in the simulated hospital environment of the Center for Advanced Simulation in Healthcare (CASH).The course is strengthened by its emphasis on the correlation between basic  and clinical sciences to not only perform component procedural skills but to also make informed diagnosis and decisions regarding patient safety and health holistically.

EIS 101 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability

This course aims to initiate final year students in innovation process, enable them with basic entrepreneurship skills and make them understand the concepts of sustainability in modern word in the field of their future profession. Course is designed in 3 parts in order to explain main principles of entrepreneurial process; to link them with concept of innovation and to engage in sustainability leadership to affect positive societal change. For future medical professionals this course has to ensure ability of medical decision making properly balanced between professional, ethical approaches on one side and finance and business on the other side.

Elective Courses 1:

First Aid; Basic life support; CPR cardio Pulmonal Resuscitation.

Skills which are important for each young professional in the medical and health field throughout one or multiple short courses student will acquire important and useful skills for daily and especially professional life.

Elective Courses 2:

Polish or other foreign language offered by university according to students’ preference and request

GE HUM 101: Humanities

This course is designed to identify instances in which consideration of human values is integral to the practice of professional medicine and to stimulate development of problem-solving skills as regards resolution of human-values dilemmas presented in professional medical practice. It does so by strengthening the human competencies of medical students through the study of medicine’s relationship to the humanities (literature, ethics, and history).

The course is activity-based and student driven and demands inputs from multiple professionals. The course also touches on healthcare and its relation to everything from government and civil society to culture, ethnicity, and family organization. That said, our end goal of the course is to sociological imagination with literature and the arts, to develop more creative, educationally well-rounded medical students.

Through common theoretical and literary approaches, the student will be able to understand and explain three major themes pursued by those studying medicine in the social sciences and humanities: (1) the social bases of inequality and its relationship to medicine, (2) the role of literature and the arts in understanding ethics in medicine, and (3) contemporary issues in medicine.

JBS 401: Journal Club

In this course, students meet weekly to discuss recent published scientific articles within the broad field of Biomedical Science. The main objectives of the course are to teach and develop critical appraisal skills, to increase exposure to recent developments in biomedical sciences, and to promote gain in knowledge through discussion with experts and peers. The course also provides opportunities to promote interest in research and encourage interaction between students and faculty. Each student will be assigned a faculty mentor who will help the student choose an appropriate article for presentation and for assistance during preparation of the presentation.

ADPCS Admission Requirements

  1. The applicant must have completed a minimum of 12 years of school education.
  2. All applicants must complete 17 years of age on or before the 31st of December in the year of admission.
  3. The applicant must have proficiency in spoken and written English and must have passed the English Language Proficiency Test. A minimum score of 550 TOEFL (CBT 213, iBT 79), IELTS Academic 6.5, PTE A (58), or any other standardized internationally recognized test approved by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Ministry of Education – Higher Education Affairs, UAE
  4. Applicants from any other non-UAE educational systems must submit an Equivalency Certificate of their High School certificate from Ministry of Education, UAE.
  5. All applicants shall be evaluated for cognitive and non-cognitive traits demonstrating their aptitude for the chosen area of study by the Admissions Committee which includes
    • Passing the admission test set by the College of Medicine that includes the basic scientific subjects: Chemistry, Biology and Physics and Mathematics
    • Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs): Multiple mini-interview (MMI) are short essays that the student’s answer for case-based scenarios and is mandatory for all applicants. It evaluates the non-cognitive traits of the applicant including problem-solving, critical-thinking and approach to ethical decision-making. The candidate is asked to explain the reasoning behind their answers in the face-to-face interaction with at least 2 members of the faculty from the ADPCS Program interviewing jointly, which also tests the communication skills of the potential candidate.

Admission criteria – Lublin University, Poland Read More

  1. The applicant should secure an overall minimum score of 60%in the 12th Grade. Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) in Grade 12
  2. Mandatory all three science subjects in Grade 12 (Biology and Chemistry mandatory with Physics or Mathematics)
  3. English Proficiency minimum overall score 550 TOEFL (CBT 213, iBT 79), IELTS Academic 6.5, PTE A (58)
  4. Attested high school documents with equivalency certificate and attestation from Polish embassy
  5. Successful completion of GMU Admission exam

Admission criteria –  University of San Raffale, Milan, Italy Read More

  1. Mandatory application completion in University of San Raffale for International MD program before February each year
  2. Qualifying the Italian entrance exam
  3. Applying GMU and successful completion of GMU Admission process.

Admission criteria –  University of Ghana Read More

  1. Mandatory all three science subjects in Grade 12 (Biology and Chemistry mandatory with Physics or Mathematics) with Grade A
  2. English Proficiency minimum overall score 550 TOEFL (CBT 213, iBT 79), IELTS Academic 6.5, PTE A (58)
  3. Attested high school documents with equivalency certificate
  4. Submission of University of Ghana application.
  5. Successful completion of GMU Admission process

Admission criteria – International Islamic University, Malaysia Read More


UAE General Secondary Education Certificate Average Score of 95% and Average Specific Score of 95% in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.
General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-Level) Minimum grades of ABB in 3 subjects, i.e. Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.
International Baccalaureate (IB) 36 points with minimum of 2 science subjects or Mathematics at Higher Level (HL) and 1 science subject at Standard Level (SL) with minimum score of 5 each in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.
High School Diploma and, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Results or American College Testing (ACT) Overall Score and Average Specific Score of 3.67 in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics.
Indian Minimum overall grade 90% with specific 80% in science subjects
Others As determined by the institutions (GMU and IIUM).
  1. English Proficiency minimum overall score 550 TOEFL (CBT 213, iBT 79), IELTS Academic 6.5, PTE A (58)
  2. High school documents forwarded to IIUM for approval.
  3. Successful completion of GMU admission process.

On successful completion of the exam, the applicant and parent meet the admissions committee. All applicants undergo a personal interview although this does not carry any weightage. The personal interview is more a personal interaction with the parents/guardians in the presence of the candidate and conducted by an Admission Department officer. It mainly serves as a forum for parents/guardians to ask questions and clarify doubts related to the program including fees, learning resources, hostels, transport, etc.

Admission is finalized on competitive basis.

Upon successful completion of the preclinical phase at GMU and passing a comprehensive examination, the student shall be awarded the ‘Associate Degree in Preclinical Sciences’ that will enable the graduate to continue with the clinical phase in the collaborating university. Articulation Agreements signed between the universities shall facilitate seamless transition into the clinical phase.


And upon successful completion of the 6-year academic program, the collaborating university shall award the final medical degree (MD / MBBCh, as applicable). Internship is a licensing requirement and shall entail an additional period of experiential learning as required by the regulatory bodies overseeing professional practice.