Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)


College of Medicine is pleased to inform about a Substantive Change in our Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) program to a Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program approved by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Ministry of Education, UAE. Beginning September 2022 (Academic Year 2022-2023), all students joining in the first year of the medical program will follow the new curriculum of the 6–Year MD program.

All students enrolled in the 5-Year MBBS program in the previous years (till AY 2021-2022) and are in their various years of study, shall continue as per the original study plans, and upon successful completion of 5-year of study, shall be awarded the MBBS degree. The substantive change approval is applicable only prospectively and is not applicable to the currently enrolled students in the MBBS program.

The MBBS Program is a competency-based, integrated curriculum with the educational objectives expressed as competencies which the graduate doctor should have acquired by the end of the program.

The MBBS Program is accredited by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Ministry of Education, Higher Education Affairs, United Arab Emirates. The outcome competencies of the program are benchmarked with internationally known competency frameworks including the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competencies, have been adapted to the cultural context of the Arabian Gulf region and are aligned to the UAE National Qualifications Framework at Level 7 [Bachelors]. 

The duration of the program is 5 years and the curriculum is organized in an organ-system based sequence integrating biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, social/behavioral sciences and patient-care skills. The curriculum is designed to develop a culture of teamwork, scientific enquiry and lifelong learning in the students which are essential for the effective practice of medicine.

The pedagogy used in the MBBS Program includes diverse teaching/learning methods to cater to different learning styles of a culturally diverse group of students.  More small-group and active learning strategies like Student-led Seminars (SLS), Problem-based Learning (PBL), Team-based Learning (TBL), Virtual-patient Learning (VPL) etc. are used with less number of lectures. Early clinical exposure starting from the first year is the highlight of the MBBS program.

The curriculum is delivered in a number of different healthcare settings including ambulatory and inpatient care, primary health care, emergency, and community settings providing wide experience. Training in the state-of-the-art simulation set-up in the preclinical years provides additional hands-on training during the pre-clinical years.

Assessments are of high standard and benchmarked internationally by the MBBS students taking the International Federation of Medicine (IFOM) Examination (Basic and Clinical Sciences) conducted by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), USA.

Graduates are awarded the MBBS degree on successful completion of the 5-year program and passing a comprehensive Exit Examination. The MBBS degree awarded by GMU is recognized by the Ministry of Health, UAE and all graduates are eligible to take the licensing exam in the country to be evaluated for independent practice.


Program offered and local accreditation status


Graduation requirements

The student will be commended for the award of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degree upon:

  • Being continuously enrolled in the program from admission to graduation
  • Having satisfied all conditions of his or her admission
  • Successful completion of all General Education requirements
  • Successful completion of a Phase III exit exam with an aggregate score of not less than 65%

The student shall complete the program within a maximum period of 7½ years.


The Vision of the MBBS Program is to pursue excellence in medical education, research and patient care to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the nation and the region.


The Mission of the MBBS Program is to:

  • Attract the best students and provide a unique learning experience through quality medical education
  • Produce socially accountable competent physicians who will make a significant contribution to the health of the community through evidence-based healthcare
  • Prepare medical graduates to pursue postgraduate training in any specialty of their choice and integrate advances in research in the delivery of quality patient-care.
  • Attract best faculty who can contribute to the quality of medical education and research

The curriculum is organized in 3 Phases:

Phase-I, also called the “Introductory Medical Sciences”, constitutes the 1st Year Doctor of Medicine. Seven Courses MED 101-107 based on themes constitute Phase-I. Students are introduced to “Communication skills” and “Early Patient Contact” in community settings which introduces them to the doctor-patient relationship. An (gate) examination is conducted at the end of Phase-I.

Phase-II spans over 2nd and 3rd Year Doctor of Medicine and includes the “Pre-clerkship Phase” with 10 Courses integrated based on the organ-systems of the body. Clinical teaching is undertaken in the ‘Professional Skills course’ and ‘Work-based Learning course’ which run parallel to the organ-system courses. The former entails learning skills relevant to each system in the respective organ-system courses in the safe environment of the Center for Advanced Simulation in Healthcare, and the latter provides students with real-life doctor-patient encounters in the ambulatory healthcare settings. Each student also undertakes a research project as part of the curriculum requirements during this Phase, that fosters the development of scientific enquiry during their training. Students are required to pass an (gate) examination at the end of Phase-II.

Phase-III spans over two years of 4th and 5th Year Doctor of Medicine and is called the ‘Clerkship Phase.” Students are rotated through major disciplines of Medicine and their subspecialties, Surgery and their subspecialties, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Critical care, Emergency, Anesthesia, Psychiatry, Family Medicine, Healthcare Management and Electives. The electives posting can be taken up at teaching hospitals anywhere in the world including research opportunities. Healthcare management posting exposes the student to different aspects of healthcare systems like quality assurance, insurance, medical records and patient affairs. A Readiness for Practice assessment is held in the year 5 to assess the entrustability of the student for clinical practice. A comprehensive exit examination is held at the end of Phase III.

The graduates are awarded the MBBS degree on successful completion of the 5-year program and passing the comprehensive exit examination.

Credit Equivalence: The credit equivalence of the MBBS Program is 190 credits.

Study Plan

Study Plan for I MBBS (Batch 2021)

Beginning Academic Year 2022-2023, students joining in the first year of the medical program will follow the new curriculum of the 6–Year Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, as approved by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Ministry of Education, UAE. Hence, I MBBS will follow the study plan of the MD program. The study plan for the previous batch is as follows:

Year1 (Batch 2021)


CourseCodeandName Duration


BSE 101: Behavioral Sciences and Ethics* 30
USO 101: UAE Society & Cultural Diversity* 15
BMO 101: Biomolecules* 15
ITE 101: Information Technology*   15
ICU 101: Islamic Culture* 15
MED 101: Medical Education and Lifelong Learning 30
MED 102: Community Engagement 30
MED 103: Genetics, Molecular Biology and Immunology 30
MED 104: Cells, Tissues and Organs 30
MED 105: Embryogenesis and Life Cycle 15
MED 106: Metabolism and Nutrition 15
MED 107: Internal and External Environment 30

*General Education (GE) Courses

Study Plan for II MBBS

FALL & SPRINGSEMESTERS CourseCodeandName Duration


MED202:Blood &Immune System 6
MED209:MusculoskeletalSystem 10
MED212:ResearchMethodology 6
MED203:CardiovascularSystem 8
MED204:RespiratorySystem 6
BSE101:BehavioralSciences andEthics (CC)* (15)

*General Education (GE) Courses

Study Plan for III MBBS



CourseCodeandName Duration


MED205:AlimentarySystem 7
MED206: Urinary System 4
MED212:ResearchProject 4
MED210:EndocrineSystem&Breast 5
MED207:ReproductiveSystem 6
MED208:NervousSystem 9
AHP 102: Arabic for Healthcare Professionals* (15)

            *General Education (GE) Courses

Study Plan for IV MBBS



MED301:MedicineI 8
MED302:SurgeryI 8
MED 303:Obstetrics&Gynecology I 8


MED304:PediatricsI 8
MED305: Radiology**
MED306:Ophthalmology 4
MED307: Otorhinolaryngology 4

**MED 305: Runs during Ophthalmology clerkship

***MED 308: Runs during ENT clerkship

Study Plan for V MBBS



MED401:MedicineII 6
MED402:SurgeryII 6
MED403:Obstetrics&GynecologyII 3
MED404:Pediatrics II 3
MED405: FamilyMedicine 6
MED406: CriticalCare 3
MED407: Anesthesia 3
MED408:Psychiatry 6
MED409: Electives 8
EIS 101: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability*  15

*General Education (GE) Courses


Course Descriptions


BSE 101: Behavioral Sciences and Ethics

The course is designed to give an overview of Behavioral Sciences and Ethics, including biological basis of behavior, mental processes, sensation and perception, learning, motivation, intelligence, human development, personality and universal ethical principles. The objective of the course is to enable the student to understand and apply the knowledge, skills and attitude developed in this course to communicate effectively. Students will learn and practice strong values, ethical conduct and social responsibilities, especially personal, academic and professional integrity while developing collaboration in diverse team settings. Students will be sensitized to cultural, psychosocial and ethical issues.

BIS 101: Biostatistics

The Biostatistics course introduces the student to the principles of biostatistics and health economics in the health-related fields. Student will learn about the concept of variables, data description, probability, principles of statistical reasoning, underlying assumptions and methods to analyze and interpret data, decision about the appropriate use of descriptive and inferential statistics according to the type of data and study design.

AHP 102: Arabic for Healthcare Professionals

The Arabic for Health Professionals course is designed to enable students to communicate in health professional settings. The course will enable non-native speakers to acquire basic Arabic terms used in greetings and simple communication with patients. Peer-Assisted Learning helps the student to learn Arabic terminology related to the organ-system. The content of the course is integrated into the organ-system courses.

EIS 101: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability

This course aims to initiate final year students in innovation process, enable them with basic entrepreneurship skills and make them understand the concepts of sustainability in modern word in the field of their future profession. Course is designed in 3 parts to explain main principles of entrepreneurial process; to link them with concept of innovation and to engage in sustainability leadership to affect positive societal change. For future medical professionals, this course mustensure ability of medical decision making properly balanced between professional, ethical approaches on one side and finance and business on the other side.

II and III MBBS (Phase II)

MED 202: Blood & Immune System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Blood & Immune System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine including ethical values. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the blood & immune system. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 203: Cardiovascular System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Cardiovascular System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the cardiovascular system. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 204: Respiratory System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Respiratory System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the respiratory system. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 205: Alimentary System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Alimentary System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the alimentary system. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 206: Urinary System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Urinary System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the urinary system. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 207: Reproductive System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Reproductive System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the reproductive System. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 208: Nervous System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Nervous System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, behavioral science, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are taught basic and applied behavioral sciences which provide them with the fundamental knowledge necessary for the skillful practice of medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the nervous system. The structure and function of special sense organs and their related disorders are also learnt in this course. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 209: Musculoskeletal System

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of skin, muscles and joints with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the integumentary and musculoskeletal system. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 210: Endocrine System and Breast

The Course has been structured as an integrated study of the Endocrine System with relevant concepts, principles and skills from anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, biochemistry, community medicine and forensic medicine. The students are introduced to the etiopathogenesis, pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis, principles of prevention and management of common disorders of the endocrine system & breast. The student also learns to take a focused history, perform a physical examination and common clinical procedures related to the system.

MED 212: Research Methodology

This Course introduces the student to the principles of research methodology and the process of research; research design, data collection tools, statistical tools, ethical issues in research, report writing and presentation. It also focuses on developing the skills necessary to interpret, critique and conduct research in health and health-related field. Students work in groups and develop a research proposal in their area of interest under the supervision of the faculty.

MED 214: Research Project

This course provides students the opportunity to conduct research under faculty guidance. This will integrate the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired in BIS101 and MED 212. The course will involve validation of data collection tools, selection of the study subjects, application of ethical standards during the process of data collection, conducting the required data management to answer the research objectives, using the statistical software and presentation of the results, discussion, and interpretation of the findings that is supported with the most recent available literatures.


MED 301: Medicine I

The clerkship in Medicine in year 4 is designed to give the student a broad exposure to common medical conditions in clinical practice. The student will learn to take a relevant history, perform general and focused systemic examination, formulate differential diagnosis and develop a plan for management of common acute and chronic medical disorders in both ambulatory and inpatient settings. This clerkship lays the foundation for the Medicine II subspecialties clerkships in the year 5.

MED 302: Surgery I

The clerkship in Surgery in year 4 is designed to give the student a broad exposure to the principles of diagnosis and management of common surgical problems, including surgical emergencies. It provides the students with opportunities to have adequate clinical encounters in both ambulatory and bedside settings. During the rotation, the student will be expected to focus on basic principles of peri-operative, operative and postoperative management of the patient with a surgical problem. This clerkship lays the foundation for the clerkship in Surgery II subspecialties clerkships in Year 5.

MED 303: Obstetrics and Gynecology I

The clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology is designed to give the student a broad exposure to the principles of diagnosis and management of common gynecologic and obstetric conditions in the ambulatory care, delivery room, operation room and inpatient settings. The performance of procedural skills like delivering a baby, taking a PAP smear, pelvic assessment is also learnt and practiced in the safe environment of the simulation lab.

MED 304: Pediatrics I

The clerkship in Pediatrics is designed to give the student a broad exposure to common pediatric conditions in the ambulatory care, intensive care and inpatient settings. The student will learn to obtain clinical history in an age-appropriate and sensitive manner from a child and or the accompanying adult and conduct a pediatric physical examination appropriate to the condition and interpret the clinical findings and available lab results to suggest a diagnosis and discuss the management of the disease. The student will assess growth and development and advocate safety measures to prevent injury and disease in children.

MED 305: Emergency Medicine

The emergency room rotation offers a special environment and an opportunity to practice fundamental skills of decision making in an acute care setting. The aim of the posting is for the learner to develop the skill of critical thinking and multi-tasking in a busy ER facility, understand the concept of acute care, patient transfer and develop good communication skills with the patients and professional interaction with other medical personnel.

MED 306: Ophthalmology

The clerkship in Ophthalmology is designed to give the student a broad exposure to common ophthalmology conditions in the ambulatory care, operative and inpatient settings and indications for referral of cases to ophthalmologists. The student will learn to take an ophthalmic history and perform a basic eye examination with torchlight and ophthalmoscope in order to detect common abnormalities of the eye, interpret clinical findings, arrive at a diagnosis and discuss the management plan. The students will also observe ophthalmic investigative procedures and surgeries performed by the faculty.

MED 307: Otorhinolaryngology

The clerkship in Otorhinolaryngology is designed to give the student a broad exposure to common Otorhinolaryngology conditions in the ambulatory care, operative and inpatient settings for diseases of the ear, nose and throat. The student will learn to take relevant history and performs a basic head and neck examination with equipment (flashlight, tongue blade, tympanometry and otoscope). The students will discuss the clinical findings, diagnose common ENT problems and design a treatment plan with the faculty member. The students will also observe Otorhinolaryngology surgeries performed by the faculty.

MED 308: Healthcare Management

Healthcare management course trains the student with the necessary skills to practice cost- effective healthcare for society. The students are expected to advocate quality patient healthcare and understand how the interaction between patient care and other professional practices affect the healthcare organization and the larger society at large. They will learn to demonstrate the ability to work in the healthcare systems and display responsibility for their actions that affect the healthcare organization and the community at large.

V MBBS (Phase III)

MED 401: Medicine II

Medicine II clerkship is built upon the knowledge and competencies gained in Medicine clerkship in year 4. The students are rotated in medical sub-specialties like neurology, nephrology, dermatology and cardiology. This clerkship is designed for medical students to gain additional experience in clinical presentation and management of medical conditions. The emphasis in this clerkship is integrated patient care, teamwork and preparing the student for internship and professional practice.

MED 402: Surgery II

Surgery II clerkship is built upon the knowledge and competencies gained in Surgery clerkship in year 4. The students are rotated in surgical subspecialties of trauma and acute care, Orthopedics and Urology. This clerkship is designed for medical students to acquire additional knowledge and skills to provide appropriate levels of care under supervision for surgical diseases commonly encountered in the community. The emphasis in this clerkship is integrated patient care, teamwork and preparing the student for internship and professional practice.

MED 403: Obstetrics & Gynecology II

This clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology in year 5 is designed to give the student a review and revisit of the principles of diagnosis and management of common gynecologic and obstetric conditions in the ambulatory care, delivery room, operation room and inpatient settings which they learnt in year 4.

MED 404: Pediatrics II

The clerkship in Pediatrics in year 5 is designed to give the student a review and revisit common pediatric conditions in the ambulatory care, intensive care and inpatient settings. The student will master taking a clinical history in an age-appropriate and sensitive manner from a child and or the accompanying adult and conduct a pediatric physical examination appropriate to the condition and interpret the clinical findings and available lab results to suggest a diagnosis and discuss the management of the disease.

MED 405: Family Medicine

This clerkship provides the learners an insight into continuing and comprehensive medical care for individuals and their families. It differs from other specialties in that it encompasses all ages, genders, organ-systems and every disease entity. The heart of Family Medicine is the patient-physician relationship viewed in the context of the patient’s family. The student will spend most of the time in the clerkship in primary care settings where they will see patients under the supervision of Family Medicine faculty who will teach and guide them in the care of patients and families.

MED 406: Critical Care

The posting of students in the critical care areas of ICU and CCU is designed to provide the students practical knowledge about the management of critically ill patients. Students get opportunities to improve their bedside clinical skills including focused history taking, clinical examination, relevant investigations, and appropriate treatment relevant to acute critically ill patient, master the basic emergency life support and resuscitation skills and develop the habit of good communication skills with the patients including breaking bad news, and professional interaction with other medical personnel.

MED 407: Anesthesia

The clerkship in anesthesia is a clinical experience that introduces students to basic principles of safe and effective anesthesia administration and intervention. The anesthesia clerkship spanning over one week during the 5th year will expose the students to basic principles of anesthesia induction, maintenance, recovery and postoperative care. This will also support the basic life support skills of the student.

MED 408: Psychiatry

This clerkship will provide the medical student with an in-depth experience in evaluating and treating patients with a variety of mental illnesses. Students will be exposed to all age groups, including children, adolescents, adults, families, and geriatric patients. An emphasis will be placed on understanding cultural issues in mental health. The clerkship will also serve to stimulate a holistic thinking process in the medical student, initiating awareness of the bio- psychosocial aspects of patients. The overall aim of the rotation is to give students a broad view of the spectrum of mental health problems.

MED 409 Electives

Electives Elective postings in the year 5 serves to promote the application of professional skills in the practice of medicine in different healthcare systems prior to graduation, develop confidence, maturity, responsibility and interpersonal skills in novel settings and demonstrate greater understanding of ethical, confidential and sensitive issues when exposed to patients with different beliefs, values and culture. The student is encouraged to pursue the electives either in the country or anywhere abroad in any medical specialty including research and health management.

The educational objectives of the MBBS program are expressed as competencies which the graduate should have acquired by the end of the program and is organized around the six ACGME competency domains of:

Admission Requirements for MBBS Program

  1. The applicant must have completed a minimum of 12 years of school education.
  2. All applicants must complete 18 years of age on or before the 31st of December in the year of admission for student visa purpose.
  3. The applicant must have passed any one of the following English Language Proficiency Tests with a minimum score as follow:
  • 1400 in Emirates Standardized Language Test (EmSAT) (only for UAE resident applicants)
  • 550 in TOEFL (CBT 213 – iBT 79)
  • 6.0 in IELTS for Academic
  • or equivalent in any other standardized internationally recognized test approved by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Ministry of Education – Higher Education Affairs, UAE.
    Valid English Proficiency Score is mandatory before admission.
  1. EmSAT Arabic is mandatory. UAE applicant for MBBS must score EmSAT Arabic of 800 minimum and all international students shall register for a non-credit Basic Arabic Language course in the Institution. Those not completed Arabic will be on conditional admission.
  2. EmSAT Maths and EmSAT Biology are mandatory with EmSAT Chemistry or EmSAT Physics with a minimum score of 900 for all UAE nationals and students passing from UAE education system. UAE resident applicants with international curriculum are also required to complete EmSAT requirements.
  3. All International students are required to pass the EmSAT equivalent admission exam set by the College of Medicine that includes Section 1 with the subjects: Mathematics and Biology mandatory, Chemistry or Physics and Section 2 with Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs)
  4. Applicants from various educational systems must comply with the rules listed below:
Country Education System Minimum Grade requirements as per UAE Grade Equivalence for MBBS

(Advanced Track/Stream or Abu Dhabi Education Council criteria)

Student should secure an overall minimum score of

90%  for Advanced track

85%  for  Elite track

(Higher level of the three Science subjects Biology, Chemistry, Physics should be completed in 10th and 11th or 12th Grade).

India Indian State /

Central Board (CBSE/ICSE)

Student should secure an overall minimum score of 80% in the 12th Grade.

Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics in 10th, 11th, 12th Grades).

Pakistan Bangladesh Pakistan Board
Bangladeshi Board
Student should secure an overall minimum score of 75% in the 12th Grade.

Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics in 10th, 11th, 12th Grade).

UK IGCSE/GCE Student should have been studied all the 3 Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) in O Level with a Minimum of:

  • ‘C’ in all ‘O’ level subjects and
  • One ‘B’ and one ‘C’ in any of the two Science subjects in AS or A level

Science subjects are Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics.

IB International
Student should have secured an overall minimum 28 points.

Must have at least 2 Science subjects (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics)

USA American Diploma Student should have secured an overall minimum score of 90%.

Higher level of the three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) should be completed in 10th and  11th or 12th Grades.

Africa WAEC


Student should secure an overall minimum score of 75% in the 12th Grade.

Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics in Grade 10 and  higher level in  11th or 12th Grades).

  • Applicants from any other non-UAE educational systems not listed above must have secured a minimum aggregate score equivalent to UAE 90% as per International Grade Conversion Table published by World Education System(WES).
  1. Applicants from any other non-UAE educational systems must submit an Equivalency Certificate of their High School certificate from Ministry of Education, UAE. [link]
  2. Student should complete science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, in 10th and 11th or 12th Grades). Applicants who lack sufficient background in science subjects (Biology or Chemistry or Physics) may register for the non-credit remedial course offered by the University.
  3. All applicants shall be evaluated for cognitive and non-cognitive traits demonstrating their aptitude for the chosen area of study by the Admissions Committee On successful completion of the EmSAT or the admission exam, the applicant and parent meet the admissions committee.
  4. The decision of the Admission Committee shall be final and binding.

Upon graduation, the medical graduates can pursue further career in the field of clinical practice, research or academia. All graduates are eligible to take the licensing exam in the country to be evaluated for independent practice. Medical graduates can work as doctors in hospitals, medical institutions, private clinics, research centres, medical industry and insurance. Medical graduates can specialize in a variety of biomedical or clinical medical professions after completing a period of postgraduate training. Graduates interested in research and academia can pursue a masters and PhD.