College of Dentistry, GMU Conducted Annual Interprofessional Education Activity: From Diagnosis to Management of Ameloblastoma

The College of Dentistry, Gulf Medical University held an Interprofessional Education (IPE) activity on the 25th of November 2024, featuring a collaborative case discussion on ameloblastoma. Students from Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Anesthesia Technology, and Medical Imaging presented a comprehensive approach to diagnosis, management, and post-treatment care.

The session began with a case presentation emphasizing early diagnosis to prevent morbidity. Medical imaging techniques like CT, CBCT, and MRI were discussed for lesion assessment and surgical planning. Histopathological findings confirmed the diagnosis of ameloblastoma, showcasing tumor characteristics.

Surgical protocols focused on enucleation, resection, and reconstruction using CAD/CAM-assisted titanium plates and bone grafts. Postoperative monitoring strategies to prevent recurrence were highlighted.

Preoperative medical and anesthesia management addressed hypertension and airway challenges. Nursing students discussed patient education and postoperative care, while Pharmacy students covered pharmacological interventions, including antibiotics, analgesics, and healing aids.

The activity demonstrated the importance of interprofessional collaboration in healthcare, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed for patient centered care.