Prof. Muhammad Amber Fareed delivered a faculty development session on Engaged Leadership for Inclusive Change

In continuation to the series of Faculty Development Programs organized by the College of Dentistry, GMU, Prof. Muhammad Amber Fareed, Professor of Restorative Dentistry, CoD, delivered a session on ‘Engaged Leadership for Inclusive Change’ on the 24th Feb 2023. The session highlighted the importance of leadership in healthcare and dentistry while underpinning engaged leadership styles. The discussions focused on building a positive workplace culture through employee engagement and commitment to create an environment where employees feel valued and supported.


Furthermore, a self assessment tool of the NHS Clinical Leadership Competency Framework was also recommended, that allows faculty to reflect on different areas of leadership in the domains of; demonstrating personal qualities, working with others, managing services, improving services, and setting direction.

The session concluded by suggesting that dental professionals and academics should aspire to become effective leaders within the dental team, in their local community and health system, and at a national level to bring about the desired inclusive changes.