The program study is full-time and is of 2 years (4 Semesters) (42 credit hours).
The courses are of 5 categories:
- Core Ultrasound Course (27 credit hours): Contain theoretical and practical components that are essential for learning medical ultrasound.
- Research Courses (3 credit hours): Contain theoretical components that cover necessary research skills in preparation for the final thesis.
- Clinical Practice Courses (6 credit hours): Clinical practical components in medical ultrasound with no theoretical components.
- Thesis (6 credit hours): An individual research project.
Code |
Name |
Credit Hours |
Category 1: Core Ultrasound Course |
MUS-STU 601 |
Science and Technology of Ultrasound |
4 |
MUS-PPP 602 |
Principles of Professional Practice in Medical Ultrasound |
2 |
MUS-ABD 603 |
Abdominal Ultrasound |
4 |
MUS-GYN 605 |
Gynecological Ultrasound |
4 |
MUS-OBS 606 |
Obstetric Ultrasound |
6 |
MUS-VAS 608 |
Vascular Ultrasound |
2 |
MUS-MSK 609 |
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound |
2 |
MUS-SST 610 |
Superficial Structures Ultrasound |
3 |
Total |
27 |
Category 2: Research Courses |
MUS-RMS 611 |
Research Methods and Biostatistics |
3 |
Total |
3 |
Category 3: Clinical Practice Courses |
MUS- CLP I 604 |
Clinical Ultrasound Practice I |
2 |
MUS- CLP II 607 |
Clinical Ultrasound Practice II |
2 |
Clinical Ultrasound Practice III |
2 |
Total |
6 |
Category 4: Thesis |
MUS-THS 613 |
Thesis |
6 |
Total |
6 |
Study plan
The study plan for the MSc. MUS program is as follows:
Semester |
Course Code |
Pre-requisites |
Course Topics |
CH |
LH |
I |
MUS-STU 601 |
Nil |
Science and Technology of Ultrasound |
4 |
3 |
2 |
MUS-PPP 602 |
Nil |
Principles of Professional Practice in Medical Ultrasound |
2 |
1 |
2 |
MUS-ABD 603 |
Nil |
Abdominal Ultrasound |
4 |
3 |
2 |
MUS- CLP I 604 |
Nil |
Clinical Ultrasound Practice I |
2 |
0 |
12 |
Semester Credit Hour |
12 |
II |
MUS-GYN 605 |
MUS-PPP 602 |
Gynecological Ultrasound |
4 |
3 |
2 |
MUS-OBS 606 |
MUS-PPP 602 |
Obstetric Ultrasound |
6 |
4 |
4 |
MUS- CLP II 607 |
MUS- CLP I 604 |
Clinical Ultrasound Practice II |
2 |
0 |
12 |
Semester Credit Hour |
12 |
Semester |
Course Code |
Pre-requisites |
Course Topics |
CH |
LH |
MUS-VAS 608 |
MUS-STU 601 |
Vascular Ultrasound |
2 |
1 |
2 |
MUS-MSK 609 |
MUS-PPP 602 |
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound |
2 |
1 |
2 |
MUS-SST 610 |
MUS-PPP 602 |
Superficial Structures Ultrasound |
3 |
2 |
2 |
MUS-RMS 611 |
Nil |
Research Methods and Biostatistics |
3 |
3 |
0 |
MUS- CLP II 607 |
Clinical Ultrasound Practice III |
2 |
0 |
12 |
Semester Credit Hour |
12 |
IV |
MUS-THS 613 |
All |
Thesis |
6 |
0 |
18 |
Semester Credit Hour |
6 |
Total Credit Hours |
42 |
CH-Credit Hours, LH-Lecture Hours, NLH-Non-Lecture Hours.
Course Description
The course descriptions of the MSc MUS program are as follows:
MUS-STU 601 Science and Technology of Ultrasound
Develop knowledge of the scientific and technical principles needed to perform sonographic examinations optimally and safely. Examine a wide variety of ultrasound advances that have influenced sonographic practice, analyze the contributions these technologies have made, and critique their value. Prepare and analyze quality assurance program to maintain optimal operational conditions.
MUS-PPP 602 Principles of Professional Practice in Medical Ultrasound
Establish the foundation for professional and evidence-based practice in medical ultrasound within an ethical and legal framework, including reporting. Use general ultrasound scanning skills necessary to perform high-quality medical ultrasound with minimal physical stress to the operator. Relate sonographic appearance to normal anatomy and underpinning pathologic processes.
MUS-ABD 603 Abdominal Ultrasound
This course equips you with essential skills to conduct an abdominal ultrasound examination and the principles of producing a technical report. It delivers an in-depth understanding of both normal and abnormal presentations within the abdomen, including organs such as the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, biliary tract, spleen, GIT, urinary system, and male and female pelvis. Furthermore, it will make you acquainted with the most recent innovations in the field of abdominal ultrasound.
MUS- CLP I 604 Clinical Ultrasound Practice I
Practice abdominal and pelvic ultrasound in clinical setting under supervision, and modify standard approaches with regards to the clinical question and patient presentation. Interact with patients, families, clinical staff, administrative staff and clinical educators and hone your professional and communication skills. Acquire lifelong clinical learning skills such as critical thinking and reflect practice.
MUS-GYN 605 Gynecological Ultrasound
Prepare for gynecological sonography practice in the clinical setting through grasping and implementing up-to-date concepts of women’s care, safe practice, and proper gynecological sonographic techniques in a simulated environment. Apply knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and sonographic appearances of the female pelvis to critique images, recognize normal and abnormal manifestations, and produce accurate report. Engage in critical evaluation of current gynecological ultrasound practices and technologies, revealing their benefits and limitations.
MUS-OBS 606 Obstetrical Ultrasound
Prepare for obstetric sonography practice in the clinical setting through grasping and implementing up-to-date concepts of pregnancy care, safe practice, and proper obstetric sonographic techniques in a simulated environment. Apply knowledge of anatomy, physiology, embryology and sonographic appearances in obstetrics to critique images, recognize normal and abnormal manifestations, and produce accurate reports. Engage in critical evaluation of current obstetric ultrasound practices and technologies, revealing their benefits and limitations.
MUS-CLP II 607 Clinical Ultrasound Practice II
Practice obstetric and gynecological ultrasound in clinical setting under supervision, and modify standard approaches with regards to the clinical question and patient presentation. Interact with patients, families, clinical staff, administrative staff and clinical educators and hone your professional and communication skills. Acquire lifelong clinical learning skills such as critical thinking and reflect practice.
MUS-VAS 608 Vascular Ultrasound
Prepare for vascular sonography practice in the clinical setting through grasping and implementing up-to-date relevant patient care and communication skills, and scanning techniques — including B-mode and Doppler— in a simulated environment. Use in-depth knowledge of vascular anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and sonographic appearances to critique images, recognize normal and abnormal manifestations, and produce accurate reports. Engage in critical evaluation of current vascular ultrasound practices and technologies, revealing their benefits and limitations.
MUS-MSK 609 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Prepare for musculoskeletal (MSK) sonography practice in the clinical setting through grasping and implementing up-to-date relevant patient care and communication skills, and scanning techniques in a simulated environment. Use in-depth knowledge of MSK anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and sonographic appearances to critique images, recognize normal and abnormal manifestations, and produce accurate reports. Engage in critical evaluation of current MSK ultrasound practices and technologies, revealing their benefits and limitations.
MUS-SST 610 Superficial Structures Ultrasound
Prepare for superficial structures sonography practice in the clinical setting through grasping and implementing up-to-date relevant patient care and communication skills, and scanning techniques in a simulated environment. Superficial structures include the anterior neck, breast, and external male reproductive organs. Use in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and sonographic appearances to critique images, recognize normal and abnormal manifestations, and produce accurate reports. Engage in critical evaluation of current superficial structures ultrasound practices and technologies, revealing their benefits and limitations.
MUS-RMS 611 Research Methodology and Biostatistics
This course encompasses both qualitative and quantitative research and analysis. Students will gain an understanding of the skills needed to design and undertake a research project including legal and ethical requirements in planning research projects; experimental design and analytical methods and how to present data for extension to the wider community.
The course equips students also with concepts and methods of descriptive and inferential statistics along with their applications. Topics include qualitative and quantitative data, characteristics, sources and presentation, comparison of means and proportions, sampling techniques, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, parametric and nonparametric tests, linear regression and correlation critical interpretation of research results and the use of computers for data processing and statistical analysis is also practiced.
MUS-CLP III 612 Clinical Ultrasound Practice III
Practice ultrasound examination of superficial structures, musculoskeletal system, and vascularity in clinical setting under supervision, and modify standard approaches with regards to the clinical question and patient presentation. Interact with patients, families, clinical staff, administrative staff and clinical educators and hone your professional and communication skills. Acquire lifelong clinical learning skills such as critical thinking and reflect practice.
MUS-THS 614 Thesis
In this course students will continue their research studies. This includes research proposal submission and approval and time lined with the thesis tracker system. The data collected as part of their research study will be entered and analyzed using the statistical software SPSS data will be interpreted and discussed by the supervisory faculty. Before the end of the course the student has to submit a thesis and defend the work in the viva. The student will also prepare a publishable article.