بكالوريوس العلوم في تقنية التخدير
Bachelor of Science – Anesthesia Technology (BSc. AT)


Bachelor of Science in Anesthesia Technology is a four-year bachelor program aims to develop health professionals who are competent to work in health care settings with skills specific to anesthesia technology.

Anesthesia technologists are involved with all aspects of care delivery to all patients who are in need for perioperative anaesthetic care and provide a key role in the emergency resuscitation of patients, considering the patients’ religion, cultural beliefs and respecting their right to medical privacy and dignity at all times.

The Anesthesia technologists provides pre-operative and intra-operative assistance. Sets up anesthesia machines/equipment, monitoring equipment and supplies for procedures per department expectations and according to scope of practice. Anticipates needs by obtaining /preparing correct equipment. Delivers needed or required supplies and/or equipment. Transport’s patients in a safe and timely manner according to department protocol. Maintains appropriate performance of skills roster/competencies related to patient care including surgical positioning and surgical skin preparation.

Students enrolled in this major will be able to develop appropriate knowledge and training required to work as a vital member with other health care professionals in different health care settings which are related to his/ her specialty, mostly in the perioperative units. (Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases)

The Bachelor of Science in Anesthesia Technology (BSc. AT) program learning outcomes are aligned to Level 7 of the NQF Emirates (National Qualifications Framework).

Program Director

  • Dr. Ellen Ghazi Saliba Safadi
    Associate Professor

Local accreditation division:

  • Initial accredited June 2014
  • Full accreditation June 2022

The BSc.AT program will become the premier provider of Anesthesia Technology professionals in the Middle East region, recognized for its excellence in academics, clinical practice, research and community services.


The mission of BSc. AT program is to:

  • Prepare highly skilled, competent, and committed professional anesthesia technologists to work and strengthen the surgical healthcare workforce in the region.
  • Prepare graduates to assume leadership roles in operation room policies and standards through a challenging teaching-learning environment, evidence-based research and interprofessional collaboration.
  • Develop anesthesia technologist professionals of international standards and setting a benchmark to attract the best of students.

Goals and Objectives

This program Bachelor of Science in Anesthesia Technology has been developed to enable the graduates to integrate a broad generic base of knowledge, skills, and behaviors common to all health professions while developing technical skills specific to their healthcare major.  This will help the graduates to work effectively both as a team member in multi-professional healthcare delivery teams and in an individual capacity while working in an area of specific technical expertise related to the concentrated area of study.

Core Values:

  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Safety standards
  • Integrity
  • Collaboration

This Program provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate:

Competency Domain   Program Competencies
 Knowledge PLO1 Obtain the core knowledge, skills, and procedures according to the national and international standards of practice and apply it appropriately to the Patient care.
PLO2 Integrate knowledge related to anesthesia procedures and perioperative practices in patient care management.
Patient Care and Professional Practice PLO3 Handle efficient the specialized instruments, supplies and equipment guided by the principles of asepsis to provide optimal patient care in and outside the operating room.
PLO4 Identify the situations that may affect patient’s safety and participate in risk reduction and continuous quality improvement related to perioperative practices.
PLO5 Demonstrate competency in assisting and managing emergencies or any complications that arise during perioperative patient care.
PLO6 Collect appropriate data related to the patient condition and analyze using an appropriate tool to support planning and decision making.
Interpersonal Communication and Teamwork PLO7 Maintain effective, ethical, caring, and respectful relationships with patients, families, and colleagues, and collaborate as a member of an inter-professional team.
 Ethics & Professionalism PLO8 Apply ethical principles and standards of professional performance to maintain

patient data privacy.

PLO9 Implement patient safety, quality care and professional guidelines according to the standards that fulfill the optimal patient’s health outcomes.
PLO10 Recognize and be Accountable to the cultural diversity, personal values, and moral integrity related to patient care.
Leadership and Management PLO11 Contribute to self-performance evaluation at his/her workplace.
PLO12 Continue updating and adapting new developing technologies in the anesthesia field.
Evidence-Based Practice and Lifelong Learning PLO13 Engage in new research activities in the discipline to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of practice and resulting outcomes.

Study Plan AY2024-2025 Onwards

Year 1 Semester – 1

Course Code Course Title C H L H N L H Pre-requisites
ENG 101 English Language 3 3 0 None
EMS 101  Emirati Studies 3 3 0 None
BSE 101 Behavioral Sciences and Ethics 3 3 0 None
CMB 101 Cell and Molecular Biology 2 2 0 None
AT-IAT 201 Introduction to Anesthesia Technology 2 2 0 None
AT-ATF 1 201  Anesthesia Technology Fundamentals I 2 2 0 None
Total Semester Hours 15 15 0


Year 1 Semester – 2

Course Code Course Title C H L H N L H Pre-requisites
HS-CSK 201  Communication Skills for Health Professionals 1 1 0 None
ITH 101  Information Technology for Health Professionals 2 1 2 None
HS-HAP I 201 Human Body Systems I (Anatomy and Physiology) 4 2 4 None
HS-FLS 201  First Aid and Basic Life Support 2 1 2 None
HS-PAA 201  Physics Applied to Anesthesia 2 2 0 None
AT-ATF II 202  Anesthesia Technology Fundamentals II 2  1 2 None
AT-SIE 201  Surgical Instruments, Supplies and General


3 2 2 None
Total Semester Hours 16    10 12


Year 2 Semester – 3

Course Code Course Title C H L H N L H pre-requisites CO-requisites
HS-HAP II 202 Human Body Systems – II (Anatomy and Physiology) 4 2 4 None None
AT-ATI  301  Anesthesia Technology Instrumentation 3 2 2 None None
AT-PIP 202 Perioperative Infection Prevention 3    2 2 None None
AT- ADP 201 Anesthesia Anatomy and Diagnostic Procedures 2    1 2 None None
AT- HLA 203 Health assessment 3   2 2 HS-HAP I 201 HS-HAP II 202
AT- PRA I 201  Practicum I 2 0 6 None AT-HLA 203
Total Semester Hours 17   9 18


Year 2 Semester – 4

Course Code Course Title C H L H N L H Pre-requisites  CO-requisites
 AT- AAM 302 Anesthesia Agents and Methods 4 2 4 None None
 HS-PAP 201 Patho Physiology 3 3 0 HS-HAP I 201


 HS-PTH 201  Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2 2 0 HS-HAP I 201


HS-PHR 201 Psychology of Human Relations 2    2 0 HS-CSK 201 None
AT- PPC 302 Perioperative Patient Care 5 3 4 AT-PIP 202 None
AT-PRA II 202 Practicum II 2 0 6 AT-PRA I 201 None
Total Semester Hours 18 12 13


Year 3 Semester – 5

Course Code Course Title C H L H N L H Pre-requisites Co- requisites
 AT-ADR 301 Anesthetic Drugs 3 3 0 HS-PTH 201 None
    EIS 102 Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Sustainability 2 1 2 None None
AT- AGI 301 Anesthesia for Gastrointestinal, General Surgeries 2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
 AT- AGS 302 Anesthesia for Genitourinary Surgeries 2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
 AT- AOG 301  Anesthesia for Obstetric and

Gynecologic Surgeries

2 1 2  HS-PAP 201 None
AT- APN 301 Anesthesia for Pediatric and Neonatal Surgeries 2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
 AT- PRA III 301 Practicum III 2 0 6 AT-PRA II 202 None
Total Semester Hours 15 8 16


Year 3 Semester – 6

Course Code Course Title C H L H N L H Pre-requisites Co-requisites
 BIS 101  Biostatistics 3 2 2 None None
AT- AOS 302  Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgeries 2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
AT- ACD 302  Anesthesia for Co-existing Diseases 2 2 0 HS-PAP 201 None
AT- AHN 302  Anesthesia for Head and Neck


2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
AT- APR 401  Anesthesia for Plastic and

Reconstructive Surgeries

2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
AT-PRA IV 302  Practicum IV 4 0 12  AT- PRA III 301 None
Total Semester Hours   15 7   20


Year4 Semester – 7

Course Code Course Title C H L H N L H Pre-requisites Co-requisites
AT-RES 302  Research Methodology 3 3 0 BIS 101 None
AT- ACV 401 Anesthesia for Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeries 2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
AT- AOR 401 Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgeries 2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
AT- ANS 401 Anesthesia for Neurosurgeries 2 1 2 HS-PAP 201 None
AT- ECM 401 Emergency and Critical Care Management 2 2 0  HS-PAP 201 None
AT- MSD 401 Management and Staff Development 2 2 0 None None
AT- PRA V 401  Practicum V    3    0     9 AT-PRA IV 302 None
Total Semester Hours 16 10 17


Year4 Semester – 8

Course Code Course Title C H  L H NLH Pre-requisites Co-requisites
 AT-EPR 410  Extended

Clinical Practicum and


   16     0 48 Successful completion of All Courses from Semester 1 to 7 ACLS & PALS Certifications
Licensure Exam preparation with 2 Extra curricula credits
Total Semester Hours 16 0 48
Total Curriculum Credit Hours. 128


Course Descriptions

Semester – 1

ENG 101: English Language

The course provides an intensive instruction in the communication process focusing on the organization of ideas in well-developed expository and argumentative essays with emphasis on developing vocabulary and writing examination answers. In the process the students will be able to document their learning experiences effectively. This course prepares students to be proficient in spoken and written English. It is intended to improve way of the use of the English language as a basic tool for professional communications.

ICU 101: Islamic Culture

The course aims to the learner to the concepts and beliefs in Islam that form the basics of Islamic culture. The students are expected to identify the differences, compare values and preferences in Islamic culture with the existing ones. The course consists of a general review of Islam as a religion and as an approach to life. The objective of this course is to enable the student to demonstrate awareness of the effects of culture upon interpersonal communications and to interact appropriately to the culture of the colleague/patient.

BSE 101: Behavioral Sciences and Ethics

The course is designed to give an overview of the main topics in behavioral sciences and Ethics including biological basis of behavior, mental processes, sensation and perception, learning, motivation, intelligence, human development, personality, and universal ethical principles. The objective of the course is to enable the student to understand and apply the knowledge, skills and attitude developed in this course to communicate effectively. Students will learn and practice strong values, ethical conduct and social responsibilities, especially personal, academic, and professional integrity while developing collaboration in diverse team settings. Students will be trained to display sensitivity to cultural, psychosocial, and ethical issues.

CMB 201: Cell and Molecular Biology

The course provides an overview of the organization, function, and regulation of the eukaryotic cell. The cell as a basic unit of life is dealt with extensively at the structural, functional, and molecular levels. A concrete learning experience is provided in the laboratory. The course lays foundation to the understanding of the human body systems and the human body as a whole.

AT- IAT 201 Introduction to Anesthesia Technology

This course is designed to introduce the professional subject of Anesthesia technology. The student will gain an understanding into the professional requirements, competencies of Anesthesia Technologists. Gain an understanding of the basic medical terminology and abbreviations used in anesthesia technology. The students will be introduced to the operating room design and the support systems. The role of each health team member and concept of teamwork is also introduced through this course. The students gain knowledge and insight into the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of surgical patient.

AT-ATF I 201: Anesthesia Technology Fundamentals I

This course provides a basic idea about the operation theatre environment and its preparation. The student will learn how to meet the needs of surgical patient, intraoperative communications and management of various conditions which can affect the treatment of the patient.

Semester – 2

HS-CSK 201: Communication Skills for Health Professionals

The course introduces the student to the principles of communication that enhance interpersonal communication between self and other individuals in small and large group settings. Examples from hospital settings will help the learners to visualize themselves in their future roles; lay emphasis to the increasing importance of communication between patient/client and care providers; and the connection between communication practices and quality patient care outcomes.

USO 101: UAE Society and Cultural Diversity

This course focuses on the unique nature of the UAE society and its political, geographical, cultural, demographical, and social aspects. It highlights the Emirati perspective of contemporary global changes. This course allows the students to explore the Emirati society in global context. The students will be able to get an insight into the unique political, geographical, cultural, demographical, and social aspects of the UAE society. They will use this knowledge in their interpersonal dealings with the individual members of this community when they meet them in the work-related settings or the community. Students will develop awareness of cultural diversity advantages and disadvantages and discuss cultural, social and communication sensitivities and will be able to relate themselves to global context.

ITE 101: Information Technology

This course aims to develop effective literature search, scientific writing and presentation skills. It intends to enable the students to understand the various types of scientific literature available, perform an effective literature search, write a review on a scientific topic, prepare effective tables and graphs and present effective oral and poster presentations. The student will be made aware about plagiarism as well. Student will be able to demonstrate skills in searching a topic using various learning resources and databases (information literacy skills).

HS-HAP I 201: Human Body Systems I (Anatomy and Physiology)

The first part of the 2-semester course is designed to introduce the student to the major organs and tissues that form the human body systems including body planes, directions and cavities, Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular and Nervous Systems and Special Senses.  This will be done through didactic sessions in the multimedia labs with opportunities for interactive learning activities. The Gross Anatomy laboratory sessions will use models and manikins as well as plastinated body parts to make the learning a truly concrete experience.

HS-FLS 201: First Aid and Basic Life Support

This course is an essential for all students pursuing a health professional career. The course introduces them to the proper techniques of administering first aid limited to bleeding, shock, poisoning, burns, heat and cold exposure, bone and joint injuries and sudden illness. Methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation for infants, children, adults and choking victims are also covered in this course.

HS-PAA 201 Physics Applied to Anesthesia

The course explains the concepts of physics and their applications in the clinical practice of medicine including the fundamental concepts of mechanics; the different properties of liquids and gases; gas laws and their behaviors under changing conditions, heat, pressure, and humidification. The course will also cover more topics specific to anesthesia technology devices, measures and monitors which will enable the candidate to understand physical principles behind human physiology, anesthetic vaporizers; pressure and mechanical lung ventilators, principles of radiology practices in need for anesthesia technology along with different safety measures encountered in the operating room. By the end of this course the students will be familiar to the different principles and concepts related to their field and scope of practice.

AT-ATF II 201: Anesthesia Technology Fundamental II

This course is concerned with procedures applied to anesthesia technology principles. Introducing students to basic principles of patient safety topics. Intravenous techniques, airway management, and orientation to safe use and care of equipment is introduced. Includes standards of practice, and problem-solving techniques based on skills of systematic preanesthetic assessment and incorporation of physiological principles.

AT-SIE 201: Surgical Instruments, Supplies, and General Equipment

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the General Equipment Supplies and Surgical Instruments especially available in the operating room, recovery Room, Intensive Care Area and available generally all over the hospital. Student will learn how to handle, and care of accessory and specialty equipment used routinely for surgical procedures. They will also learn how to handle anesthesia and intensive care units’ instruments, supplies and equipment using principles of safety and asepsis in the simulation lab.

Semester – 3

AH-HAP II 202: Human Body Systems II (Anatomy and Physiology)

The second part of the 2-semester course is designed to introduce the student to the major organs and tissues that form the human body systems including, Circulatory, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Endocrine and Reproductive Systems and common tests and procedures specific to the organ systems.  This will be done through didactic sessions in the multimedia labs with opportunities for interactive learning activities. The Gross Anatomy laboratory sessions will use models and manikins as well as plastinated body parts to make the learning a truly concrete experience.

AT-ATI 301: Anesthesia technology Instrumentation

This course is developed to introduce the basic concepts related to Anesthesia technology where the students are introduced to the functioning, maintenance and troubleshooting of the anesthesia machines, ventilators, and its accessories. The course provides the technical knowledge and safety measures related to the use, functioning and maintenance of patient monitoring devices. Students are taught the proper balance between circuits and engineering concepts and the clinical application of anesthesia instrumentation. Monitors and devices used in the operating room are studied with respect to principles of operation, calibration, and interpretation of data.

AT-PIP 202: Perioperative Infection Prevention

In this course, the student will learn the principles of aseptic technique and how to apply those principles in controlling infection in the operating room, PACU and ICU. The immune response, hypersensitivity, common pathogens, and the process of infection also are addressed. Student will learn the principles of asepsis and practice of sterile techniques and the maintenance of the surgical environment before, during and after a surgical procedure.  Emphasis is also place on patient safety especially in the operating room and in intensive care unit.

AT-ADP 201: Anesthesia Anatomy and Diagnostic Procedures

This course will present advanced principles of applied anatomy, physiology, and Diagnostic procedures for anesthesia management. Students will examine advanced physiologic principles of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and central nervous system and relate them to the performance of the body as a whole. Students will develop advanced knowledge in anesthesia anatomy of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and central nervous systems. The application of anatomy landmarks in anesthesia, maintenance of equipment used in diagnostic procedures, and monitoring of the surgical procedures related to anesthesia methods will be emphasized

AT- HLA 203: Health Assessment

This course focuses on patient assessment skill of preoperative preparation phase. It helps students to gain knowledge and skills in assessing the clients throughout their life cycle. This course emphasizes on the development of skills to perform physical examination systematically from head to toe. It focuses on the normal findings and prepares students to identify any deviation from normal findings. Students practice for interviewing patient and his family to take health history and performing physical examination are held in a laboratory setting.

AT- PRA-I 201 Practicum I

During this course, the student will be posted in CSSD, Emergency Department and Surgical ward along with the staff of respective area to assist the CSSD technician / Laboratory technician/ Radiology technician/ Medical- Surgical ward nurse and dialysis unit nurse. In this posting students will learn about functions and process of CSSD, basic laboratory investigations, basic concept about radiological procedures, Medication, preoperative patient preparation, health assessment, dressings, and process of dialysis under direction and supervision.

Semester – 4

BIS 101: Biostatistics

This course presents biostatistics related to health and medical problem solving in analytical way. This course introduces the student to the principles of statistics and concept of clinical trial design and analysis. Student will be able to explain the concept of variables, data description; probability and concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics; and to demonstrate basic knowledge of application data analyses in applied health sciences. Student will be able to make decision about appropriate use of descriptive and inferential statistics according to the type of data and study design for answering a research question. This is foundation and prerequisite for courses which will be taken later, such are research and evidence-based medicine.

HS-PAP 201: Pathophysiology

This course introduces the students to the study of causes and mechanisms of diseases. The responses to injury are dealt first at the cellular level followed by changes at the level of tissues and organs. The topics include cellular pathology, inflammation and tissue repair, hemodynamic, genetic, and immune disorders, neoplasia, disorders of nutrition and environmental pathology. The students then learn to apply the concepts of disease mechanisms in the setting of each organ system. The underlying pathologic basis of systemic diseases will be dealt extensively.

HS-PTH 201: Pharmacology and Therapeutics

This course presents basic pharmacologic principles along with the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs commonly used in health professional practice. The lessons are organized using a system approach and will deal with the pathophysiology of disease and discuss the drug groups used for treatment. Case studies will be used to discuss how drugs affect medical intervention and how host factors may affect drug effectiveness.

AT-PPC 302: Perioperative Patient Care

This course will cover the preoperative patient routines and then addresses the tasks of anesthesia technologist in preparing the case for undergoing a surgical procedure. The student will gain understanding of the flow of surgical procedure from the time of preoperative patient (preparation of patient) care, Operation Theater, care of patient and monitoring during surgery to the close of surgery. Postoperative anesthesia care management will be emphasized. In post-operative care, student will learn who to manage patients in post anesthesia care unit and in intensive care areas.

AH-PHR 201: Psychology of Human Relations

This course deals with basic and general concepts related to psychology and human relationships in both personal and professional environments. Includes an overview of basic personality and social psychology concepts, as well as specific skill development in the areas of communication, listening, and conflict resolution. The course will emphasize the student’s ability to practice their daily life in a better understanding of human relationships.

AT- PRA II-202: Practicum II

This course focuses on student simulation experiences in conjunction with in-hospital observation experiences. Application of concepts of anesthesiology is integrated throughout the clinical practicum experiences.  Special emphasis will be assigned on patient safety, pre-operative evaluations, pre-anesthetic checkup, equipment check and prevention of nosocomial infection.

Semester – 5

AT-ADR 301: Anesthetic Drugs

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the anesthetics and adjunctive medications used in clinical anesthesia practice. The student will be able to describe the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of a wide array of medications including dosing, mechanism of action, metabolism, excretion, and side effects. In addition, handling of drugs in the OR, methods and techniques of anesthetic administration will be emphasized. In the end the student will be able to develop anesthetic management plans incorporating pharmacoeconomic issues.

AT-AAM 302: Anesthesia – Agents and Methods

The main objective in this course is to teach students the principles and methods of general and local anesthesia, patient preparation, different body systems monitoring, complications of anesthesia, and patient care before, during and after general and local anesthesia.

In this course, students learn about anesthesia methods, the way to prepare patients for general or local anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, methods of laying the patient on the operating room bed, the way to monitor various body systems, and formulate a patient care plan at various stages (before, during and after general anesthesia, local anesthesia and blocks).

AT-AGI 301: Anesthesia for Gastrointestinal, General Surgeries

This course provides the basic anesthesia knowledge and skills of the Gastrointestinal, general surgeries involve the abdominal wall, alimentary tract, liver, and biliary tract.

Student will be able to describe the normal and altered Anatomy and physiology to understand the management of anesthesia for specific surgical procedures. The student will concentrate on the theoretical basis for interventions and rationale in each area of sub-specialization. Students will learn about the specific types of anesthesia and its complications used in Gastrointestinal, general surgeries & will be able to plan for the anesthetic care of patients requiring these types of surgeries. Current, evidence-based techniques and best practices related to safe management for patients undergoing these procedures will be discussed. Interactive workshops using partial task trainers on perioperative management of Gastrointestinal, general surgeries.

AT-AGS 302: Anesthesia for Genitourinary Surgeries

In this course, the student will be able to identify and locate the suprarenal gland, kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and organs of the male genital tract on cadavers in the gross laboratory and the manikins in the skills lab.  The aim of this course is to introduce the anesthesia technologist to the function of kidneys as a buffer system and its effect on patient’s homeostasis and acid- based balance while the patient is anesthetized. The students will be introduced to the different types of anesthesia needed especially during kidney transplant and prostatectomies with special emphasis on spinal anesthesia.  Students will be able to care of the genitourinary patient’s environment, know the unique conditions of genitourinary system, and the challenges of provision of safe anesthesia care in this specialty area.

AT-AOG 301: Anesthesia for Obstetric and Gynecologic Surgeries

The aim of this course is to introduce the anesthesia technologist to the care provided to obstetric patients by the anesthesia team in the delivery suite. Students will understand physiological changes happens during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period. Students will describe pathology of different gynecological conditions and obstetrical condition. Students will learn about different types of anesthesia with special emphasis on spinal and epidural types, anesthesia agent, methods of administration used for different procedures. Also, able to explain anesthesia and analgia used in high-risk pregnancy, maternal comorbid conditions, and non-obstetrical procedures during pregnancy. The unique environment, the unique condition of pregnancy, and the challenges of provision of safe anesthesia care in this specialty area are considered.

T-APN 301: Anesthesia for Pediatric and Neonatal Surgeries

In this course, the student will gain understanding of anesthesia techniques and methods used in common surgical procedures performed in children. The important physiological and psychological considerations to address the special needs of pediatric patients in the perioperative environment shall be highlighted.

AT-PRA III 301: Practicum III

This course focuses on student simulation experiences in conjunction with in-hospital observation experiences. Application of concepts of anesthesiology is integrated throughout the clinical practicum experiences.  Special emphasis will be assigned on patient safety, pre-operative evaluations, pre-anesthetic checkup, equipment check and prevention of nosocomial infection. The main objective of this practice is to give the students the opportunity to observe and assist in applications of the principles and methods of general and local anesthesia, patient preparation, different body systems monitoring, complications of anesthesia, and patient care before, during and after general and local anesthesia.

In this course, students learn about anesthesia methods, the way to prepare patients for general or local anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, methods of laying the patient on the operating room bed, the way to monitor various body systems, and formulate a patient care plan at various stages, that is, before, during and after general anesthesia, local anesthesia and blocks. An emphasis on Intra-operative patient care which include induction, maintenance, and emergence of anesthesia plus continuing patient monitoring and post-operative anesthesia care.

Semester – 6

AT-RES 302: Research Methodology

This undergraduate course provides a comprehensive introduction to research proposal writing, research methodologies, and foundational research theories and protocols. Students in the course learn about the cyclical nature of applied research and the iterative process of research writing. The course teaches students how to write a proposal, engage in independent studies, and work collaboratively with a mentor-mentee relationship with a GMU faculty advisor. The curriculum is sequential, helping students to identify a study topic, formulate inquiry questions, organize a literature review, and select appropriate research designs and methodologies. Students use the proposal they develop to establish the foundation of internship project and the basis of a final research paper that will be submitted at the end of the internship semester once the study is completed. By the end of the course, students will complete a proposal that includes an introduction, problem statement (significance of study), literature review, methods section, references, and a project timeline. At the end of the internship project, students will convert this proposal into a full research that will include the following sections: findings, discussion, conclusions, and references.

AT-AOS 302: Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgeries

In this course, the student will be able to identify and locate organs of the eye and orbital structures on cadavers in the gross lab and the manikins in the skills laboratory. The students will be able to describe the anatomical features of common surgical incisions used in Ophthalmic Surgery. The aim of this course is to introduce the anesthesia technologist to the care provided to the ophthalmic patients with by the anesthesia team in the delivery suite. The unique environment, the exclusive of ophthalmic conditions, and the challenges of provision of safe anesthesia care in this specialty area are considered.

AT-ACD 302: Anesthesia for Co-existing Diseases

The aim of this course is to introduce the anesthesia technologist to the care provided to the to the patients who have Co-existing Diseases. Technologist will collaborate with the anesthesia team in the operating room to provide an optimum and safe care to the patients.

AT-AHN 302: Anesthesia for Head and Neck Surgeries

In this course, the student will be able to identify and locate structures of the oral cavity, face, and cranium on cadavers in the gross lab and the manikins in the skills lab. The student will be able to demonstrate understanding in the type of anesthesia used particularly for this type of surgeries which ranging from simple procedures such as tonsillectomy to laryngological, skull-base surgery, complex obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) surgery, sophisticated transoral robotic surgery (TORS), and major H&N cancer surgery with extensive free-flap reconstruction.

This topic will discuss general principles of anesthetic management and evaluation for H&N surgery, including routine and difficult airways, anesthesia for tonsillectomy, thyroid surgery, and tracheal surgery. Student will be able to help the anesthesiologist in providing the most efficient care form of management that has the lowest potential for injury to the greatest potential for control of the airway. Student will learn how to establish, maintain, and protect an airway in the face of abnormal anatomy and concurrent surgical intervention under the supervision of the anesthesiologist.

AT-APR 302 Anesthesia for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeries

This course provides the basic anesthesia knowledge and skills of the burn, plastic surgery & Reconstructive procedures. This ranges from those with common minor injuries (dog bites, nail bed injuries), to planned congenital cleft and hand procedures, and less frequently major burns and free-flap cases requiring multidisciplinary perioperative critical care.

Student will be able to describe the normal and altered integumentary system Anatomy and physiology to understand the management of anesthesia for specific surgical procedures. The student will concentrate on the theoretical basis for interventions and rationale in each area of sub-specialization. Students will learn about the specific types of anesthesia and its complications used in burn, plastic and reconstructive surgeries & will be able to plan for the anesthetic care of patients requiring plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Current, evidence-based techniques and best practices related to safe management for patients undergoing these procedures will be discussed. Interactive workshops using partial task trainers on perioperative management of plastic and reconstructive surgeries.

AT-PRA IV-302: Practicum IV

During this course, the student will assist and perform the role of the anesthesia technologist in preparation and care of patients for anesthesia. Students will assist the anesthesiologist in administration and maintaining anesthesia for specialized surgical cases undergoing a surgical procedure. The student will also be involved in preparation and care of patients undergoing different types of anesthesia and their postoperative management in prevention and early management of complications. They will assume the role of an operating room member and perform the designated roles under direction and supervision.

Semester – 7

EIS 101: Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Sustainability       

This course aims to initiate final year students in innovation process, enable them with basic entrepreneurship skills and make them understand the concepts of sustainability in modern word in the field of their future profession. Course is designed in 3 parts to explain main principles of entrepreneurial process; to link them with concept of innovation and to engage in sustainability leadership to affect positive societal change. For future medical professionals, this course must ensure ability of medical decision making properly balanced between professional, ethical approaches on one side and finance and business on the other side.

AT-ACV 401 Anesthesia for Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeries

This course provides an in-depth study of the specialized areas of cardiothoracic and vascular surgical procedures and anesthesia. The student will be able to describe the normal and altered cardiac physiology to understand the management of anesthesia for specific surgical procedures. The student will concentrate on the theoretical basis for interventions and rationale in each area of sub-specialization. Students learn about the specific types of anesthesia and its complications used in cardiac surgeries. The student will be able to plan for the anesthetic care of patients requiring cardiac, thoracic, and vascular procedures. Current, evidence-based techniques and best practices related to safe management for patients undergoing these procedures will be discussed. Interactive workshops using partial task trainers on perioperative management of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular surgeries. They will also learn the medical problems, pharmacology of anesthetic, cardioactive drugs and perioperative management of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular surgeries.

AT-AOR 401 Anesthesia for Orthopedic surgeries

In this course, the student will be able to review the fundamental skeletal system and physiology of the system.  The student will also be able to describe the special position requirements for orthopedic surgeries and risk of peripheral nerve injuries. The student will learn the special anesthetic considerations required for orthopedic surgeries in relation to interaction between anticoagulants and anesthetic drugs. The students will learn about different types of anesthesia with special emphasis regional anesthesia (IV Block) and develop an understanding in ways of reducing the risk of perioperative bleeding and hematomas.

AT-ANS 401: Anesthesia for Neurosurgeries

In this course, the student will be able to identify and locate the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves that form nervous system on cadavers in the gross laboratory and the manikins in the skills laboratory. The students will be able to describe the anatomical features of common surgical incisions and positions used in the neurosurgery in relation to anesthesia induction. The aim of this course is to introduce the anesthesia technologist to the care provided to the Neurosurgical patients with by the anesthesia team in the delivery suite. The special environment, the exclusive of Neurosurgical conditions, and the challenges of provision of safe anesthesia care in this specialty area are considered.

AT-ASC 401: Anesthesia for Special Medical Conditions

This course focuses on assessment, diagnosis, and management of special medical conditions with a special emphasis on advanced airway management techniques. Advanced principles of anesthesia are incorporated, and evidence-based practice will be utilized to formulate plan of care for complex conditions as well as patients for diverse populations. The safe use of anesthesia delivery systems and related equipment in special medical conditions is emphasized and applied to individual patient care.

AT-MSD 401, Management and Staff Development

This course designed to study the concepts and practical application of fundamental supervisory skills such as planning, staffing, communicating, leading, using technology, training, managing conflict, and problem solving, in addition to “quality improvement,” safety, ethics, and effective performance reviews. Students will gain knowledge in what people think, feel, and do in organizations. Includes motivation theory and practice and how an individual employee’s personality and learning style affects productivity; how team dynamics affect and are affected by the individual employee; how the organization’s structure and climate affects individual and team productivity and organizational change and development. Specific skills and practices will be suggested and applied in class discussion, case studies, role plays, and projects.

AT-PRA-V 401: Practicum V

This course is designed to provide the anesthesia student a broad knowledge base in multiple concepts, topics, and techniques. This course builds on concepts learned in Previous courses and delineates techniques of anesthesia management that are considered more situation specific with specialized diagnostic and anesthetic procedures. Primarily focused on patients and existing co-morbidities, the course intensively covers more advanced concepts and principles of anesthetic management including neurosurgical, thoracic, vascular and trauma procedures. Application of concepts of anesthesiology is integrated throughout the clinical practicum experiences.  Special emphasis will be assigned on patient safety, pre-operative evaluations, pre-anesthetic checkup, equipment check and prevention of nosocomial infection.

Semester – 8

AT-ERP 410: Extended Clinical Practicum and Research

During this course, the student will assist the anesthetist to manage anesthesia to the surgical cases. The student will perform different actions under direction and supervision. Training includes evidence-based practice, inter-disciplinary and intra-disciplinary conferences, use of informatics systems and simulation-based learning.

The student will also perform a research study and submit a project report.

Licensure Exam Preparation (Extra Curricula Hours)

The student’s mastery of their anesthesia knowledge base is assessed via a series of comprehensive examinations. Examination topics include basic and advanced fundamentals of anesthesia practice, basic sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, chemistry, and physics), professional aspects of anesthesia practice, pharmacology, advanced monitoring, technology, and equipment. Prerequisites: All formal didactic coursework. Upon completion of this course, the student is expected to be able to demonstrate a mastery of their anesthesia knowledge base by obtaining at least eighty percent achievement level.

Admission requirements for BSc. AT program (2024-2025)

  1. The applicant must have completed a minimum of 12 years of school education.
  2. The applicant must have passed any one of the following English Language Proficiency Tests with a minimum score as follows:
    • 1100 in Emirates Standardized Language Test (EmSAT) (only for UAE resident applicants)
    • 500 in TOEFL (CBT 173 – iBT 61)
    • 5.0 in IELTS for Academic
      Valid English Proficiency Score is mandatory before admission
  3. Applicants from any other non-UAE educational systems must submit an Equivalency Certificate of their High School certificate from Ministry of Education, UAE. Failing to submit the equivalency certificate, the student would be on conditional admission and is required to fulfil the requirements as specified in the General admission requirements. [link]
  4. Applicants from various educational systems must comply with the rules listed below:
Country Education System Minimum Grade requirements as per UAE Grade Equivalence for BSc. AT program

(Advanced or General Track/Stream or Abu Dhabi Education Council criteria)

Student should secure an overall minimum score in the 12th Grade as follows:

Elite track -60%

Advance track -65%

General track -70%

Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) in 10th, 11th or 12th Grade.

India Indian State Board or

Indian Central Board-CBSE/ICSE

Student should secure an overall minimum score of 50% in the 12th Grade.

Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics in 10th, 11th, 12th Grades).

Pakistan Bangladesh Pakistan Board
Bangladeshi Board
Student should secure an overall minimum score of 50% in the 12th Grade.

Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics in 10th, 11th, 12th Grades).

UK IGCSE/GCE Student should have been studied all the 3 Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics in O Level with a Minimum of:

·         ‘C’ in all ‘O’ level subjects and

·         ‘E’ any of the two Science subjects in AS or A Level

Science subjects are Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics.

ECTS International
Student should have secured an overall minimum 24 points.

Must have at least 2 Science subjects (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics)

USA American Diploma Student should have secured an overall minimum score of 70%.

Student should complete all Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics in 10th11th or 12th Grades).

Africa WAEC


Student should secure an overall minimum score of 50% in the 12th Grade.

Student should complete all three Science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics in 10th, 11th, 12th Grades).

  1. Applicants from any other non-UAE educational systems not listed above must have secured a minimum aggregate score equivalent to UAE 70% as per International Grade Conversion Table published by World Education System(WES).
  2. The applicant must have passed any one of the following tests and have subject Proficiency with a minimum score as stipulated for selection:
    • Proficiency in Mathematics and any two of the science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) in EmSAT exams with minimum score of 700 for each subject.


    • Proficiency tests approved by Ministry in relevant school subject approved by ministry (AP Biology and AP Chemistry AP Calculus under College Board and SAT Math with a score of 520.


    • Scores in relevant school subjects studied in a school system with centralized examination.
      • UAE and American system – 60% in Mathematics and 70% in Biology and Chemistry or Physics
      • Indian, Pakistan Bangladesh, African – 60% in Mathematics and each in Biology and Chemistry or Physics
      • British system: ‘Dor E ’ grade in Mathematics and above in Biology and Chemistry or Physics
      • IB diploma: with a score of 3 for Mathematics and 4 and above for Biology, Chemistry or Physics
      • All other international educational system achieving 65% for Mathematics and in two science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)


    • Pass scores in GMU admission tests with Mathematics, and two science subjects (Biology Chemistry, Physics)  and Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) offered by GMU.
  1. On successful completion of the above, the applicant and parent meet the admissions committee. Admission is finalized on a competitive basis.
  2. All applicants shall be evaluated for cognitive and non-cognitive traits demonstrating their aptitude for the chosen area of study by the Admissions committee of the College.
  3. Applicants who lack sufficient background in science subjects may register for the non-credit remedial course offered by the University.
  4. The decision of the Admission Committee shall be final and binding.

Criteria for applicants holding a Diploma in Anesthesia Technology/Sciences:

  • The applicant must have successfully completed high school (Grade 12) and minimum two years Diploma in Anesthesia Technology/Sciences from an accredited university.
  • The applicant must submit an Equivalency Certificate of their Diploma from Ministry of Education, UAE.
  • The applicant must have passed any one of the following English Language Proficiency Tests with a minimum score as follows:
    • 500 in TOEFL (CBT 173 – iBT 61)
    • 5.0 in IELTS for Academic

    English proficiency minimum requirement is mandatory before admission.

  • Applicants shall apply as a transfer and fulfil all requirements as per transfer policy.

Special needs applications

GMU is committed to admit students who needs special attention and management. Applications are open for students who disclose their condition on the special determination form and the applications are reviewed by the admission committee and admitted as per the policy for different programs.

Ref: [link]


  • Applicant Passport
  • Emirates ID
  • Ethbara and Family book for UAE nationals
  • 10th grade and 12th or O level and AS/A level High school certificate
  • Attested Diploma certificate and transcripts for Diploma entry
  • Equivalency certificate for international curriculum students
  • Valid English proficiency certificate (EmSAT english or IELTS or TOEFL)
  • Good conduct certificate from school
  • 5 photographs

All originals shall be scanned and returned to applicant.

Apply Now: [link]

High Lights

  • Specialized program designed to offer a perfect mix of knowledge and clinical expertise
  • Curriculum in line with international standards
  • Accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE
  • Curriculum specialized to meet the demand for skilled Anesthesia Technologists who plays a vital part of a medical team that helps people every day by taking the pain way.

Clinical Training

Bachelor of Sciences in Anesthesia Technology Program (BSc. AT) at Gulf Medical University is an undergraduate program aimed to prepare the student to be an integral member of the anesthesia patient care team. Emphasis is on fundamental and advanced clinical procedures to assist licensed anesthesia providers in the acquisition, preparation, and application of various skills required for the delivery of anesthesia care.

  • Ensuring early and maximum clinical exposure
  • Hands on training at our state-of-the-art Thumbay Academic Hospitals
  • Perioperative patient care training in state of the art technologically advanced operation theatre

BSc. AT Completion Requirements (admissions from 2018) include:

  • Completion of credits required for the program
  • A minimum CGPA of 2.0
  • A minimum pass mark of 60% (Grade D) for each course
  • A minimum attendance of 80%

Upon successful completion of the program and fulfilling local license/ regulatory requirements, the student can work as

  • Anesthesia technologist in operating rooms in hospitals, surgical centers, ambulatory centers, emergency, and trauma units.
  • Pursue a career as a research assistant.
  • Advance in the career by pursuing higher education in specialty areas like conscious sedation for dentistry, dialysis anesthesiology, physician assistant (anesthesia), pain management, invasive anesthetic techniques, and medical technology.