Interprofessional Education Journal Club by GMU inbound student Eissa from Dalhousie University, Canada

On February 19, 2020, Mr. Mohamed Eissa, a fourth-year medical student from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, presented a journal club conducted by the College of Pharmacy, GMU. Mr.Eissa moved to Canada in 2009 from UAE and graduated from Dalhousie University with a Bachelor of Science, Honors Biology in 2015 (First Class Honors). He is currently a fourth-year medical student from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The article presented and discussed was “A team-based learning approach to interprofessional education of medical and pharmacy students” published in Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Training, 2019. Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine critical appraisal tool was used for evaluating the article. From the study findings, the following recommendations of IPE were prepared to apply at GMU;

  • Involve health professional students from different disciplines including medicine and pharmacy for the team-based learning (TBL) activity.
  • Develop cases with more specific roles for health professions so that there could be right or wrong answers.
  • If this study is repeated at GMU as a research project, it was advised by Ornesha (another inbound student from the University of St. Joseph, Connecticut) to have two arms in the study covering the same educational content with and without TBL to study the impact of TBL as well.

Vice-Chancellor for Quality and Global Engagement and Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Prof. SheriefKhalifaappreciatedthe choice of this relevant paper for a discussion covering two essential aspects of current health professions education. He encouraged Mr. Eissa to write a letter to the editor of the journal based on discussions.