Dr. Syed Gillani presents on Interprofessional Education at GMU

On November 28, 2019, Dr. Syed Gillani, Associate Professor and Chair of Interprofessional Education (IPE) committee of College of Pharmacy, GMU presented a journal club on IPE. Faculty and students from Colleges of Dentistry, Healthcare Management & Economics, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy attended the journal club. This is a monthly event conducted by the GMU IPE Committee to encourage discussion and build capacity in IPE.
The article discussed in the November 2019 journal club was Kahaleh, Abby A., et al. An interprofessional education panel on development, implementation, and assessment strategies. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 79.6 (2015): 78.

Dr. Dixon Thomas, Chair of GMU IPE committee thanked participants of all Colleges for active discussions in the journal club. Members of different Colleges will present journal clubs in different months. Overall plans of IPE implementation is in College, University, and inter-institutional levels in the academic year 2019-20.

Dean Sherief Khalifa stressed that GMU is very lucky when it comes to IPE due to the fact that we are a Medical University that has its own hospitals all operating in an Academic Health System. Assessing the different domains in IPE is of essence to the success of the IPE program. The students are evaluated on their collaboration, team work, role clarity, interprofessional communication and patient centeredness.