PharmD Student Participates in Inter-professional Case Discussion on “Decompensated Heart Failure”

On November 8, 2018, the Final year PharmD student Mr. Jameez Ummer co-presented with Final year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) student on a case that they worked up together as part of the inter-professional education (IPE) activities at GMU. The audience was comprised of Pharmacy and Nursing students and faculty members. The case selected for IPE seminar was a patient of ‘Decompensated heart failure’. The students were mentored by Faculty and preceptors from both Pharmacy and Nursing disciplines, who ensured students learned from each other and about each other’s roles.

Mr. Jameez presented the goals of pharmacotherapy therapy in a patient with heart failure and assessed the case as per the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP).  He also identified Drug Therapy Related Problems (DTRPs) in the case and recommended interventions based on his assessment and correlating with existing evidence. He then mentioned the rationale behind prescribed medications and critically appraised the evidence suggesting the use of these medications. He further elaborated on ‘BEAUTIFUL’, ‘SHIFT’, ‘VALHEFT’, ‘RALES’ and ‘DIG’ trials, all signifying the choice of medications in the patient under discussion. He concluded the presentation listing the discharge medications and appropriate counseling points for the patient.

Ms. Fatemeh, the Nursing student analyzed the case from a nursing perspective and presented her assessment of the case. Both presenters ‘learned from each other’ and complemented each other by providing their individual professional expertise.